Let Me Go You Asshole!

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Do you guys ever read someone else's work and realize how crappy your own writing is because that's me right now... anyway, enjoy the story.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Sam yelled. "You're supposed to be locked in a dungeon."
"Yes well, I got out. Demons aren't exactly the brightest creatures."
"I thought I said I never wanted to see you again." Cas growled.
"Not everyone gets what they want Cassie." Gabriel retorted. "And to answer your question Sammy, I'm here for you."
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Don't worry, I'm not taking you somewhere, I'm bringing someone here."
"What do you mean?" Dean asked.
"No dean-o, that's all the information I'd like to give right now, so if you'll excuse me." He flew behind Cas and Dean. They quickly turned around but Gabriel used his angel powers to put them both to sleep. "I have some business to attend too." He walked over to Sam. The hunter reached for an angel blade laying on the table but by the time he looked up, Gabriel already had his fingers on his head.


Gabriel tied Dean and Cas to some chairs in an empty storage closet before locking the door. He couldn't have them interfering. Sam on the other hand, was tied in the dungeon.
Gabriel had ransacked the bunker to find exactly what he was looking for. Holy oil. He made a few circles on the floor, as he was not a psychic and could not predict exactly where his victim was going to land. Once his trap was set, he went to visit a certain big brother in Hell.

When Gabriel arrived in Hell, he found Lucifer doing paperwork.
"I really shouldn't have trusted those demons to keep you locked up." Lucifer stated without even looking up from his work. "They never do their job right."
"Filthy creatures." Gabriel agreed.
"What do you want Gabriel? Sam isn't here if you're looking for him."
"It's not about what I want Lucifer, it's about what you want."
"Uh huh," Lucifer carried on signing his papers. "And what exactly do I want?"
"Sam... back home... safe and sound..."
That definitely got Lucifer's attention. He shot out of his seat causing Gabriel to take a few steps back in fear.
"What did you do!" Lucifer's eyes flashed red.
"Why don't you come and see." Gabriel smiled before flying off.
Lucifer quickly followed Gabriel to the bunker. He landed in the dungeon and was shocked to see Sam tied down, unconscious, against the wall.
"Sammy!" He took a step before he was engulfed in flames. A ring of holy fire formed around him and he stood helpless as Gabriel walked around him.
"Poor Luci. Unable to reach the man he loves."
"If this is some twisted metaphor I don't want to hear it, just let me have Sam."
"Mmmmmm no."
"Why?" Lucifer's tone growing dark.
"Because I'm Gabriel, why would I give you what you want." Gabriel taunted, repeating their earlier conversation. Gabriel pulled an angel blade from his sleeve. "But I was thinking that maybe I could make this all the more painful." Gabriel took a few more steps in Sam's direction.
Lucifer's wings unfurled as his anger boiled. His brother smiled at him, leaning close to his face.
"That's what I wanted." With a flick of his wrist he had cut Lucifer's neck. Grace began flooding out of him into Gabriel's waiting mouth. Within a few seconds, Lucifer was stripped of his grace and was left with just his human vessel.
He fell to the floor gasping for air before Gabriel ran one of his fingers along the slit in his neck, healing him. Gabriel stood and took a deep breathe, feeling the extra grace course through his veins. Lucifer crawled his way out of the fire to Sam, not caring when his limp wings got slightly burned.
"Sammy? Sammy wake up!" He grabbed ahold of Sam's face and patted it lightly. Sam's head rolled around a bit before it suddenly jerked up.
"What- where am I?"
"Ah, Sammy, awake I see," Gabriel smiled, playing with the knife in his hand.
"Gabriel." Sam growled. He began to stand but Lucifer pushed him back down to the floor by his shoulders. Sam turned to Lucifer with fear in his eyes. The Lucifer he knew would never give up on a fight so easily. Something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" He asked Lucifer, his face so close he could feel his breath.
"He's no longer an angel, that's what." Gabriel snapped. He reached down and yanked Lucifer to his feet by his hair. "He's only a man."
Lucifer scratched at Gabriel's hand, kicking and struggling, but Gabriel's strength easily overpowered his own.
"Let me go you asshole!" Lucifer shouted. Sam tried to stand again but soon realized his hands were tied to a pole.
Gabriel threw his brother against the opposite wall before handcuffing him to a ring on the floor.
"Not so strong now are you?" He laughed. In one quick movement he cut one of Lucifer's wings clean off. The archangel turned human screamed in agony as he experienced pain like never before. Unable to heal himself, the devil kneeled weakly on the floor.
"Lucifer!" Sam screamed out to his love, desperately wanting him back in his arms. Another flash of metal and another wing on the floor. Blood poured from Lucifer's back as tears poured from his face. He looked up to meet Sam's eyes, before he was met with another cut from the blade.

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