Be Ready in an Hour

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Gabriel was moved to the dungeon by a group of demons.
"Do you think he'll be okay?" Sam asked.
"He'll be fine. Probably just a terrible hangover when he wakes up." Lucifer rubbed his arm. "Why do you care? I thought you hated him?"
"Not as much. I don't trust him but I've had time to cool off." Sam sighed. "I need to go see my brother."
"Is that really the best idea. He's not very happy with you."
"I know, but maybe I can talk some sense into him now that he's found his own soulmate."
"I'll come with you."
"No." Sam lightly grabbed Lucifer's chin and gave him a soft kiss. "I need to do this alone. Besides, if you come it'll only cause more conflict."
"How are you going to get back."
"I'll have Cas bring me."
"And what if he doesn't do it."
"Then you can come get me. Just give me an hour up there okay."
"Fine," Lucifer huffed.
"There's my good Devil." Sam patted his head. Lucifer swatted it away.
"I'm not your dog."
"That's why I said you were my devil." Sam winked at him and walked past Lucifer. "But I wouldn't be against getting one."
Lucifer slapped his āss as he passed. Sam let out a small yelp before grabbing his shirt and scurrying off to the kitchen. Lucifer followed Sam, leaving his own shirt laying on the floor.
Sam was pulling out the ingredients to make pancakes when Lucifer snaked his arms around his stomach and up his shirt. He layed small kisses on Sam's neck. The hunter leaned back into his soulmate touch, still preparing their breakfast.
"I was thinking..." Lucifer started.
"That's never good," Sam taunted. Lucifer flicked his nose.
"Shush you! I was thinking, that maybe, we could go on... um.... a date... or something... sometime..."
Sam turned in his arms so he was facing Lucifer.
"That would be wonderful." He kissed Lucifer's forehead. "But I have to go see Dean and Cas first."
"Aww, come on Sammy, that can wait. Besides, they're probably still on their own date. How about we go on our date upstairs so they have time and you don't have to wait. Okay."
"Okay 1. How many times do I have to tell you, it's Sam, 2. We're not going to have our date on earth if you're just going to crash their time with each other.
"Sammy, do you really think that I, the wonderful, caring individual that I am, would ever think to impose on our brothers' special day." He put a hand on his chest and gasped. "I am simply hurt."
"Lucifer..." Sam grabbed his hand and kissed it "you are literally the devil."
"Pleeeeeaaaaase." Lucifer stuck out his bottom lip. "We've never been on a proper date before."
"Don't give me that puppy dog face. How am I supposed to say no to that."
"You're not." Lucifer kissed his nose.
"Fine. You win, we'll go on a date. But then I'm going to go see my brother. And no crashing their date. Deal?"
"Deal. And I know just the place." Lucifer grinned before running off. "Be ready in an hour." Sam smiled as he watched him go.

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