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Sam couldn't believe it. Him! Soulmates with the devil! That's insane.
"I don't believe you"
"It's true, why do you think I had such a strong reaction from you touching my wings." Sam shrugged.
"I thought that was just an angel thing."
"With lesser angels, it just makes them feel happy, with archangel soulmates, it makes them sexual."
"Why?" Lucifer gave him his own bitch face.
"You ask too many questions." Sam quickly shut his mouth.
"You're being very not satany."
"What's that supposed to mean!" Sam laughed.
"All I'm saying is, you're being really nice for being the devil." Lucifer stuck his tongue out at Sam but Sam just laughed again. "You're adorable." Sam put his hands over his mouth as soon as the words slipped out. Lucifer smiled. It wasn't his usual taunting grin, but a real, genuine smile. Sam couldn't help but give a small smile back. The two men sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the meal.
After breakfast, they wandered the halls of hell, and Sam couldn't help but be disturbed by the sounds of torture and pain.
"So what are we going to do now?" He asked
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, now that we know we're soulmates, what do we do? You're still the devil and I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that yet."
"Then I guess we'll just start as friends." Lucifer held out his hand, and Sam shook it. Looks like now he's friends with the devil.


Dean was reading a book about Demon Deals when there was a flap of wings and a sobbing Gabriel landed on the floor in front of him. Dean slowly set his book down and walked towards the archangel.
"Gabe, buddy, what's wrong," Gabriel couldn't talk. He just kept sobbing and shaking his head.
"Do you want me to get Cas?" Gabriel shook his head again. Dean put his hand on Gabriel's back as comfort only to be attacked with a hug.
"He doesn't love me... he doesn't love me..." Gabriel mumbled between the tears.
"Who?" He got no answer, only more mumbles of,
"Loved... not me... wings..." then Dean heard a small string of words that he wish he didn't.
"Sam... Lucifer... soulmates..."
Dean slapped the archangel and yelled, "Gabriel! Pull yourself together and tell me what the hell is going on!"
Gabriel hiccuped and nodded. Dean moved him to the chair he had previously been sitting on. 
"Alright, now spill." Gabriel took a few deep breaths before beginning. He told dean about how Cas had come to him about Sam, how he went to confront Lucifer about getting Sam back only to end up confronting Sam, being rejected by Sam (but he left out why) and most importantly, that Sam could see Lucifer's wings.
"And what exactly does that mean, Sam being able to see his wings."
"It means... they're... they're..." Gabriel couldn't bring himself to say it, but Dean remembered what he had mumbled earlier.
"They're soulmates." He finished. Gabriel burst out sobbing again.
"I love him Dean! I love him and I can never have him!" Dean awkwardly patted the angels shoulder.
"I gotta be honest with you Gabriel, I don't really like you that much, or at all. But I would much rather my brother be with you than with the devil himself." Gabriel smiled brightly when he said this.
"Thank you Dean" he pulled a sucker out of his pocket and held it out to him. "You're not so bad yourself you know." Dean didn't take the sucker.
"Thanks? Now let's bring my brother home."

The Devils Deal (Samifer)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora