Chapter 15

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Optimus and Breakline look at eachother, Breakline put a servo on Optimus' shoulder "I think we should head back to base." he said. Optimus blinked and thought for a moment before nodding, this world wasn't his, he didn't know how everything functioned here.

Optimus looked over at a groundbridge which opened near them, Breakline walked towards it with Optimus not far behind him, they walked through the bridge and out into the main control room on the Paradox. Megatron prime stood on the other side with his arms crossed over his chassis, Optimus blinked, he could tell that something was up.

Breakline and Megaton walk off, Optimus looked over at Soundwave who was staring at him, Soundwave walked over and stood infront of Optimus.

Breakline and Megaton walk off, Optimus looked over at Soundwave who was staring at him, Soundwave walked over and stood infront of Optimus

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With a question mark on his visor, Optimus was silent for a moment. "Hello..." he said while looking at him. Soundwave chuckled "Heya." he answered which caught Optimus off guard for a moment, he quickly regained his posture. Soundwave chuckled at that as well, it seems that Soundwave was going to have fun while messing with Optimus.


I walk along side of Breakline silently, I broke the silence quickly. "Breakline, what happened out there?" I asked gently, Breakline sighed. "Optronix had found us and traced the same signal, sir. I was hit away and he charged at Optimus, but as soon as he tried to rip out his spark...he was...burned and Optimus was fine, he didn't even use his weapons." Breakline explained

I hummed and looked at my chassis, "An effect such as that could only be caused by the Matrix of Leadership, perhaps there is more to our "clone friend" then meets the eye." I said


Optronix roared and threw a console across the room, Optronix snarled and threw his swords at RC and Ratchet, Ratchet side stepped and it flew by him while RC was hit in the stomach. "WHY DOES THAT FILTHY CLONE HAVE THE MATRIX!?!" Optronix roared, RC was suddenly grabbed and slung across the room, she yelped as she hit the wall.

Optronix swung at Ratchet who side stepped again, "Perhaps this clone, isn't a cloe after all." Ratchet commented, in a full monotone and robotic voice, Optronix growled and glared at him "Go on." he demanded. "There has been an odd energy signature just hours ago, after a moment it stopped, I have analyzed it for a while and I believe that it was a portal to another dimension." he said.

Optronix hummed and stopped, he tapped his claws together. "So my counter part carries the Matrix, unexpected." Optronix commented. A crazy smile stretched on his faceplates, "Now, with two Matrixes I could control the entire universe!" Optronix tilted his helm back and laughed loudly.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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