Chapter 14

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Optimus and Optronix stared at one another "By the allspark..." Optimus breathed.
Optronix was confused "How did..." Optronix mumbled, then he glared and charged at them with his swords drawn, Breakline fired at him,Optimus stepped back he didn't know what to do.
Optimus blinked and drew his guns and swords.

Optronix knocked Breakline away and he charged at Optimus, Optimus ducked and dodged he faught with Optronix only to find that he was stronger, faster and more skilled then him and Megatron.
Optronix grabbed Optimus by his helm "Prepare to perish clone!" Optronix snarled.

As he held a servo on Optimus's chassis, he was ready to rip his spark out. Optronix hissed and dropped Optimus, he held his servo in pain as it burned "You filthy Prime!" Optronix spat at Optimus, "They tainted you with what should have been rightfully mine!" He hissed in fury and anger.

Optimus blinked in shock, he sounded like him but with Megatron's personality. "You spiteful creature!" Optronix hissed and he backed away from Optimus still clutching his servo "You'll perish!" Optronix growled, a bridge opened and he fled. Optimus was in shock.

Breakline got up and ran over to Optimus "Are you alright?" Breakline asked softly while checking Optimus for wounds, Optimus nodded wordlessly.

"I think so..."

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