Chapter 6

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((a comic I found))

Knockdown POV

"Don't you understand that a patient needs time to heal! He just woke up from an attack he could be unstable,and Afraid!" I growled at Megatron, Who does he think he is? Barging in here,pah!

"My apologies doctor, I needed to meet him so I could stop the rumors that have already spread across the ship." Megatron said, I clenched my fist and then I sighed.
Megatron turned to Optimus "I have not yet introduced myself, My name is Megatron Prime." Megatron said

Megatron held out his servo to Optimus, I saw Optimus hesitate, and slowly shake his servo. That's reasonable, he did just barge in here and besides Megatron's a tall bot of course he would be even a little intimidated. "Optimus." Optimus said giveing Megatron his name.

Megatron looked over at Starscream "Can you go stop more rumors from spreading?" Megatron asked. Starscream nodded and let medbay, I sighed, finally I can finish his scans.
I walk up to Optimus "Can you stand?" I asked him Optimus looked at the ground and slid off the berth, he landed on both his pedes perfectly and seemed to perfectly hold himself.

I then saw how tall he really was, He went right under Megatron's shoulder, I nodded seeing that he was fine standing "Can you walk?" I asked him. Optimus put one pede infront of the other, I thought he could but his knees gave out, Megatron caught him before he could hit the ground.

I'm glad Prime was here or I would never been able to catch him. Megatron sat him back down on the berth, I scanned his legs and I found what I missed surprisingly but with this faulty equipment I didn't see it at first, curse this stupid equipment!

"It appears that he has damage in his legs, nothing serious but it could be if I don't fix it soon." I said outloud "I'll leave you to it doctor." Megatron said and he left medbay, I saw Optimus relax.

Finally some peace.

Word count 347

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