Chapter 11

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I stumbled back as Optronix scratched my armour,

"You've Put Up A Good Fight. But. Something You Don't Realize Is. There's A Thin Line Between Being A Hero. And. Being A Memory."

Optronix said to me. I looked up at him and I growled, Optronix laughed "You really are determined to save this wasting planet." Optronix said slyly.

"That's because I will light our darkest hour." I said sternly. Optronix cackled
"The Darkness Will Always Consume The Light."
Optronix said grinning.

I glared, Optronix backed up with a smile. Optronix leaped high into the air and he actived jets that were imbeded into his pedes. Optronix hovered there for a moment.

The Autobots transformed and flew high above the clouds. Optronix threw a bomb at my pedes and he transformed and flew off, "Fall back!" I yell. The small group of Highranks ran quickly, Soundwave transformed and his wheels hit the ground.

 The small group of Highranks ran quickly, Soundwave transformed and his wheels hit the ground

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Soundwave's engine roared as he picked up speed.

The bomb went off, flames licked at our pedes and wheels. The ground rose up slightly and we all tripped or flipped. The flames consumed our forms.


The Decepticons ran from the flames but the ground shook and they fell or was flipped over.

Back on the Paradox

Brakeline held Optimus up as he tried to stand, Knockdown and Brakeline helped Optimus the best they could.
Optimus quickly got the hang of walking again, Optimus had a small limp though it was hardly noticeable.
"Your doing good, better then any of my other patients, normally they whine and complain." Knockdown said as he walked beside Optimus.

"Cough Skyquake cough." Brakeline said. Brakeline and Knockdown stopped walking, "Alright let's see if you can walk on your own." Knockdown said. Brakeline backed up, Optimus walked to medbay doors and back. "You'll be healed in no time!" Knockdown said happily.

"Thank you Knockou- Knockdown." Optimus said, just barely catching him self from saying Knockout.
Knockdown gave him a smile.
The moniter beeped loudly, Knockdown and Brakeline looked over.

Brakeline walked over and pressed a few buttons, a sliver and white vehicon appeared on the screen "Knockdown Brakeline! We have alot of patients coming your way!" The vehicon said as the medbay door opened and vehicons dragged in most of the highranks.

"What in the allspark happend!?" Knockdown yelled at them.
The berth that Optimus was on moments ago was now occupied by Megatron Prime.

"They couldn't get out fast enough!" A black and orange vehicon said to Knockdown as he got to work.
"Shoo everyone out! OUT!" Knockdown yelled shoving the vehicons out then he ushered Optimus out of medbay as well. "You will be fine I just need space." Knockdown half apologized.

"It's alright." Optimus said as medbay door closed.

Optimus's audio fins moved back and forth, Optimus looked down the the white and light blue halls of the Paradox, he looked one way then the other.
Which way was he going to go?

Word count 500

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