Chapter 03: Understanding

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I can feel my soul still spinning. Oh god! At least I'm still alive...

"System, what happened?"

'Ding! Replying to the host, you hit an unknown object because of the impact and the stress on the soul you fainted, after that, the system found some life energy to help you heal your soul. A few days later you stopped rolling. Some skills also evolved.'

Well, that was lucky, at least now I have my soul healed, let's check my changes I can feel I'm quite different. I see now that my soul is healed my soul has a human form, I feel so pure, it's like I was just born, how is this possible?

"System, show soul status"

'Ding! Soul status: Peak-Stage Human Soul Realm'

"????, what's that???"

'Ding! The database is empty. Impossible to properly answer to the host. The system can only detect and reply what your soul transmitted to the system.

"System, scan me!"

'Ding! Scanning...'

Name: Unknown.

Race: Unknown.

Age: 7 days.

Body: Nobody.

Death Core: Lv 1

Soul: Peak-Stage Human Soul Realm.

Status: Dead.

Exp (55)

Death Points: 0

Functions: Scan: On, Quest.

Functions Sealed: Bloodline, Inventory.

Passive Skills: Advanced Soul Resistance Lv 1 / 10, Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Lv 1 / 10.

Okay, I can see some skills have evolved, I will look later... mmm... Death Core? I focused my mind on it to see what it was...

Death Core Lv1: The dead core is fused with the host soul. Enables host to absorb Death Aura and gain Death Points. Make the host status Dead.

More or less I understood I think, so this is the reason why it shows I'm Dead... make a bit of sense since I'm a deathcore...


After finding out about the death core I tried to explore a bit what I could do with it, actually, nothing worked so right now it's pretty much useless except for rolling. I also found out that I was 7 days old... it seems that when my soul healed, I was just born, the system explained that it must be some kind of anomaly due to my death. So, it seems like I'm a reincarnation but at the same time, I'm not. Sigh... I hope I can find more information in the future... I searched all my memories with the system help and I didn't find the reason how I ended, with this death core.

I keep feeling my memories are not complete... especially since I can't remember my name!


One more month went by, this time I found nothing so I didn't gain anything. The only thing I could do what think about my situation and how to improve. Lucky for me in my previous life I read some novels and I can guess a little about my soul cultivation, though I don't have any reference on the realms. This totally sucks, I need more information.

Let's keep rolling!

'Ding! Obtained a rare bloodline red hawk. +1 exp.'

'Ding! Quest #2: Obtain 3 more bloodline. Rewards: Common Death Bloodline'

"Finally, a new quest!". Hopefully, I can complete it soon, after all now that my soul is healed I can finally see with my soul. I can expand my soul and sense everything in 50m. I can tell I'm in some kind of desert, is to be expected that I find so little things, who will want to be in an endless desert!


Like this the time went by... in an unknown place there was a strange ball rolling and rolling approaching a green zone.


'Ding! Congratulation host on discovering a new zone, forest, +1 EXP.'

"Stingy system you could at least give me more EXP! Wait!" I started thinking and so far I only used EXP to heal my soul before... so now what I'm going to do with my EXP?

EXP: 100

"System what can I do with the EXP I won right now?"

'Ding! Replying to the host you can use the EXP to level-up any skill or improve your realm'

'Ding! Displaying EXP values on host data.'

Name: Unknown.

Race: Unknown.

Age: 7 months 7 days.

Body: Nobody.

Death Core: Lv 1(1/10000)

Soul: Peak-Stage Human Soul Realm (1/1500).

Status: Dead.

Exp (100)

Death Points: 0

Functions: Scan: On, Quest.

Functions Sealed: Bloodline, Inventory.

Passive Skills: Advanced Soul Resistance Lv 1 / 10 (1/5000), Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Lv 1 / 10 (1/5000).

I guess 100 exp won't help me at the moment, I better save it. Maybe later I will need it.


Seriously this forest it too strange. I hope I don't encounter something crazy.

I kept moving slow and trying to make the less sound as possible what If something tried to eat me or kill me? After all, I'm not sure how resistance I am, not that I want to find out though,


Slow, slow, move carefully and without a sound.



"Shit!" I crushed something with my "body" and stopped immediately. Hopefully, nothing bad happens... while my mind was thinking all that bad stuff that I could imagine, the system interrupted my thoughts.

'Ding! Warning Warning some unknown life creature is approaching.'

I got ready to roll in case I needed to escape. The creature was approaching me, when I saw what it was I was really scared! A wolf a huge huge wolf! What's wrong with this world how come there is a 4 meters tall wolf! fuck, fuck, I'm dead, dead for sure!!! I was ready to roll at my fast speed but I doubted that my fastest speed will be faster than this super big wolf but I had to try... uh?! I carefully looked at the wolf and was looking down. It was clear it was staring at me but why does it seem that the wolf can't see me? Thinking about this I had to try.

"System scan the wolf"

'Ding! Black Wolf. Realm: King Wild Beast. Unable to provide more information please fill the database'

After a few minutes, the Black Wolf was gone... I was totally dumbfounded, the goddess of luck is on my side.

"hahahahahaha safe call. System do you know why the wolf didn't see me?"

'Ding! Replying to the host your status is dead. Anything that scans you will detect you as a dead thing like an object... plus you are a tiny ball covered in dust after rolling so much...'

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