I won't leave you here

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Belle's: POV

I sneaked into the castle and walked to the dungeon. I shone with my flashlight and looked after Hannah.

I had to mute a scream when I saw her. Her hair was messy, the clothes were dirty and she was very pale.

"Hannah, can you hear me?" I asked. "Belle!" she said weakly. "I'll take you out of here!" I replied and the broke the chains. "Go!" said Hannah. "I won't leave you here!" I replied and helped her up.

"She's not going anywhere!" said Alec. "Don't be a stupid girl now!" replied mother. "Stay away from my family!" said Emma angrily and killed them all.


Adam's: POV

I drove back home and Enzo met me outside. I know he's mad at me.

I'm sorry for turning off my humanity and I know that it doesn't solve anything. But you should know that I love you over all my heart and you are my whole world!" I said. "You're forgiven!" he replied and I smiled.

He hugged me and I kissed his lips. I closed my eyes and turned on my humanity.

"My badass vampire!" said Enzo. "My wonderful husband!" I replied. I love you Adam!" he said. "I love you more
Lorenzo!" I replied.

Alec and Magda are dead, but David is still alive. I'm glad Adam is good again. I hope you liked this chapter.


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