Your children are in danger

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A/N I jump to October

Adam's: POV

"Daddy, is it normal to have same nightmare every night?" asked Ella. "I don't know!" I replied.

"Your children are in danger!" said a woman. "Excuse me?" I replied. "Someone wants them dead!" she said. "Daddy, she's the woman in my nightmares!" replied Ella scared. "aStay away from us!" I said coldly.

"I shouldn't have left away my kids, humans are dangerous!" replied Magda. "Leave us alone!" I said. "Give the children to me, I'll give them a better home!" she replied. "Never!" I said.

"Mark my words Adam, horrible things will happen this month!" replied Magda and disappeared. I hugged my kids and comforted them.

"Are we going to die?" asked Leo scared. "Not for a long long time!" I said. "But what if we die and you're still here!" replied Ella sadly.

"Then I will remember two kids who had hearts of gold and a happy smile on their lips!" I said. "We love you papa!" they both replied. "I love you too!" I said.


"I've invited Mr. Van Helsing over for dinner tomorrow!" said David. "Why?" I asked. "He's a good friend of mine and he wants to meet us!" he said. "I don't know David!" I replied.

"What is it with you, don't you trust your own husband?" he asked. "Of course I do!" I said. "It'll be fun, I promise!" replied David and kissed me. "I trust you!" I said and kissed him back.

What's wrong with you David? You have put your whole family in danger. You are a evil man.

I hope you liked this chapter.


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