8 - The Power of a Song

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I internally groaned at the name the captain always called me. My name was Indira—it might be unusual, but it wasn't difficult to remember.

Pushing away from the ship's railing, I faced him. "Yes, Captain?"

"I need you to read the map. Come with me." He instructed authoritatively.

Glancing back at the dark grey clouds in the distance to our left, I was thankful we weren't headed that way. It looked like a severe storm was brewing.

Following him closely, I felt important for once. He needed me to help him. Entering the chart room, I found Niall and Liam standing around the round table covered in maps.

"Tell me where we're supposed to go." Louis ordered, pointing to the magical map.

Touching the corner of the map carefully, the image on the old parchment came to life at my touch like it had before. I watched with great interest as the sea transformed from calm and serene to balmy and dangerous. Waves crashed over each other and the dark grey clouds poured down rain into the sea.

"I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does." Liam mused.

I cleared my throat, glancing up at the captain. "We have to head into the storm. And from the looks of the map, it's an intense one..."

"Damn, I hate storms." Liam muttered.

"It'll be fine. We've seen many a storm in our day. We'd best start preparing for it now. Liam?" Captain Louis uncrossed his arms and gestured for Liam to leave.

As the three began to exit the room, I touched Louis' arm and he swiftly drew away from me. "What is it?"

"I...it just looks like a violent storm. Are you sure the ship can make it?" I asked worriedly.

He scoffed. "Riptide can handle anything. She's been through hell. One more storm's not going to sink her."

I hoped he was right, because this didn't look like any old storm, but perhaps I simply wasn't used to storms on the sea. Maybe it was a small one...

The captain swiftly exited the room before I could say anything else. I followed and called after him.

"May I ask you something, Captain?"

He turned as he began walking down the stairs to the main deck. "Speak up."

"May I go visit the mermaid?" I asked innocently, deciding to be straightforward about my intentions of going down there. I hadn't been able to sneak down for the passed few days.

He stopped abruptly, looking at me strangely. "No."

"Please? I just want to talk to her." I reasoned, also wanting to check on Harry, whom I had left whipped and half dead last time.

"I said no." He growled.

"She's just been kidnapped...or mernapped." I cringed at how idiotic I sounded. "Anyway, she's probably frightened like I was and maybe she needs a friend. She might not be so hostile towards you and the other pirates if I'm able to befriend her."

His shoulders heaved in an exasperated sigh. "Very well, but only if I'm present there with you. Come with me."

Excited, I quickly followed him down the stairs and through the door that led down to the brig. As we entered the cargo hold, Louis stopped and took something from a pocket. He stuffed whatever it was into his ears and turned to me.

"You weren't affected before, so there's no need for you to plug your ears. No funny business now. Just take a look, say hello, and then be done." He said seriously and then grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the door of the brig.

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