12 - The Past and the Future

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Later that evening when the sky had turned fully black, I still sat atop the barrel, admiring the bright stars guiding our way. The salty air brushed my face and blew loose hair from my braid around slightly. The gentle swaying of the ship hadn't bothered me for a while. I was thankful I had gotten over the dreadful seasickness. The swaying felt normal now and I wasn't looking forward to stepping back onto steady land.

I wondered what I would do when the pirates were done with me. Back in Davenport I had simply been set on running away from my master. I had thought about buying passage on a ship and going wherever it took me. I didn't have any family that I knew of, nowhere to go. I had nothing at all back there. If I never laid my eyes on Davenport again I would be ecstatic.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Niall appeared beside me and leaned against my barrel.

I jumped and then laughed. "Oh you scared me. I was just think about my past, and my future."

"Where'd you live before this?" Niall asked curiously.

"Not far from where you kidnapped me in a rather large house by the ocean owned by a man named Aleister Harrison." I replied.

"Ah right, you were a slave. How'd you become one?" Niall questioned.

"You really want to know?" I turned to him and he was watching me intently, his blond hair shining in the moonlight.

"Of course. I know everyone's stories but yours." Niall nodded eagerly.

"Well, I've been a slave ever since I was born I think. I was told my parents dropped me off as a baby on this rich man's doorstep with nothing but my first name. He sent me to an orphanage because he didn't want me, and then I was adopted by another rich man when I was five. He didn't like me though and was cruel to me. "

"That's awful." Niall frowned, crossing his arms and leaning on the barrel.

"Indeed. He treated me like a slave rather than a daughter. He sold me to someone else who also mistreated me and he sold me to another and the cycle continued for a few years until Aleister found me in the streets close to death after I'd run away from my last master. He took me in and I thought things would be different, because he was kind at first and took care of me. But then I realized I was merely his slave and it turned out he would be the most cruel master of them all."

"Bloody hell." Niall mumbled, frowning at my depressing story.

It felt good to be able to talk to someone, even if he was a pirate. I couldn't be picky while in the middle of the Caribbean Sea on a ship. I decided to keep going. What harm would it do to share this with him?

"He was quite horrible to me. I stayed their six years until I managed to run away, but then you all found me. And I'm back where I started." I sighed in defeat, fiddling with my dress.

"But you aren't a slave any longer. Even though you're sort of our prisoner, you're technically free. You can roam around the ship, do what you like. We don't force you to work or anything. Isn't this better than being enslaved to an abusive rich bàstard?" Niall cocked his head.

I thought about it for a moment. I wasn't beaten or starved here. None of the pirates usually tried to harass me. And it seemed like Louis didn't plan on hurting me other than what the prophecy said. Perhaps it was better. I hadn't felt this carefree in a long time, even though this wasn't exactly freedom. I had more freedom now than I'd ever had in my life.

"Maybe." I answered vaguely.

"But, Indira." Niall began seriously, touching my arm. "I'd advise that you don't get tangled up with the captain."

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