15 - Crimson Forest and the Cliffs of Abandon

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I updated the prophecy. It's the image above. Also, it has been a while since I updated last. So if you don't remember anything that's happened, you might want to reread or skim the chapters before this. I'm sorry for the long wait.


"I don't think we're alone on this island." Louis whispered under his breath.

I remained still, looking into the shadows among the trees and thick foliage, but saw nothing. However I did noticed the crickets had paused their chirping. Suddenly Louis was pushing me. He shoved me down onto the ground under a leafy bush. A gasp was caught in my throat as he rolled on top of me, his face inches from mine.

I placed my hands on his chest to push him off and opened my mouth to express my discomfort, but Louis was quick to slap his hand over my mouth, silencing me. His other hand grasped one of my wrists and pressed it into the soft moss beside my head.

"Shh." He barely breathed, his expression telling me that it was in my best interest to keep quiet and lie still.

A movement caught my eye and I peered out through the large leaves of the bush that hid us. My heart pounded in anxiety at the sight of long legs stalking passed silently. Two pairs of bare legs. They definitely didn't belong to any of the pirates.

Just then I felt Louis' knee slip between my legs and I couldn't hold back a squeak of surprise. The foreign legs halted beside us. I pursed my lips, turning my gaze to Louis. He looked nervous that I might have given away our hiding spot.

"Did you hear something?" One of the strangers whispered in a foreign accent I'd never heard before.

"No, keep moving. They still don't know we're here. We do not want them finding out before it's time." The other replied softly.

Louis was staring down at me, his piercing gaze boring a hole in my head. I was extremely aware of him on top of me. Even though possible danger was just feet away, all I could focus on was the heaviness of his body pressed down onto me, his knee between my legs, his hand still holding onto my wrist. He uncovered my mouth and his eyes fell to my lips.

I felt myself blushing under his unwavering gaze. No matter how badly I wanted to get up and put space between us, I couldn't without attracting attention from the strangers who were standing whispering right next to us. So I laid there unmoving, barely daring to breath while Louis insisted on studying every minute detail of my face.

I was afraid the strangers could hear the dramatic pounding of my heart, or that Louis could hear it. He could surely feel it against his chest. Did he know it wasn't because of the danger, but because of him? Finally the legs quietly crept passed us and we were safe again.

I squirmed to coax him off me, but he stayed for a moment, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Imagine if this had happened earlier while I was naked."

My mouth opened in shock at his boldness. My cheeks flamed in embarrassment at the remembrance and was suddenly speechless. Thankfully, he didn't expect an answer and climbed off me. He stood to his feet and helped me out from under the giant leaves. I couldn't look him in the eye as I brushed off my dress.

"Now we must go warn the crew. Hopefully these foreigners aren't planning to ambush and gut us. Keep quiet and stay close. There could be more of them." He instructed as he took my hand, leading me back the way we came.

Louis and I returned to the camp swiftly. Everyone was still laying around singing and drinking rum, unaware of the strangers in the forest. Rather than announcing the news to everyone at once and potentially warning the spies that we knew of their existence, Louis crouched down and whispered to a few pirates at a time. I sat down close to the fire and watched the trees for any sign of movement.

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