3 - Dangerous Games

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It was quite a terrifying thing not waking up in my familiar room, but in a pirate ship. Even though my room had been bare, cold, and dirty, I would much rather have been there. The Captain wasn't beside me like he had been all night. I was alone in his bed, still tied to the headboard and my arms were asleep.

Shifting uncomfortably, I looked around the room which was much brighter under the morning light streaming though the large paned window. All I could see outside was endless ocean. It was unnerving not knowing where we were or where we were going. Because the night had not been restful, my muscles ached and my eyes felt swollen with exhaustion and the few tears I had shed.

All too soon the door opened and I watched nervously when the captain walked in with his bird on his shoulder. He looked over at me and seeing I was awake, kept a straight face. I couldn't read his expression. The man filled the room with his commanding presence as he rested his weight on one leg. The bird alighted from his shoulder and flew across the room to perch on its stand.

"Please, would you untie me? I can't feel my arms." I asked quietly.

Without responding, the captain stepped over to the ornately decorated wardrobe and opened it. He reached in and took something out. Holding a pile of deep blue material in his arms, he walked over to me and set it on the bed. Then, as I held my breath, he untied my wrists.

With great effort, I brought my arms to my sides and let them rest there for a moment as the blood began to rush through them. It took a moment before I could feel them again.

"You are to put this dress on, is that clear?" The captain demanded.

Sitting up, I leaned against the wall and eyed the expensive looking silk. It looked much more appropriate than what I was wearing. "Yes sir."

"And if you ever make as much trouble again as you did last night when I tell you to wear something, you'll be wearing nothing. Is that understood?" He threatened seriously.

"Yes." I whispered the word and held my forearms against my chest protectively.

"Address me as Captain, wench." He snarled, eyes flashing in anger.

Every part of me wanted to obey him, since that's what I had always done. But I simply nodded, testing him, which wasn't the smartest thing to do considering. He wasn't my master and I didn't want to have to treat him like he was. I was tired of having to bend to the will of men who claimed power over me.

The captain's hand flew out and caught a handful of my tangled locks, yanking them down so my chin rose. "Address me properly."

"Yes...Captain." I relented and squeezed my eyes closed in pain before he released me.

"Don't think just because of your age and the fact that you are a girl that I won't put you in your place if need be. You step out of line even slightly, I won't hesitate to give you the punishment you deserve." The captain spoke sternly, pointing at me. "Respect my authority. I give the orders on this ship."

He spun on his heel and made for the door, but I couldn't hold my tongue. I had to speak up. "Respect is earned, not forced onto me. I will respect you when you deserve it."

The man froze, shoulders rising and falling with every frustrated breath he took. Slowly turning around, he swaggered back over to me. "Earned? My dear, I don't need to earn anybody's respect, especially a useless little girl's. You do what I say, and you do it without question."

"I might obey you, but I won't respect you. What kind of man kidnaps a young girl and then forces her to undress before him? Vile! Filthy! Disgusting men do such things. You're no better than the pigs I used to feed for my master." I spat the words out, surprised at my own courage. Never in my life had I been this bold toward a superior-but maybe that was just it. This man wasn't my superior. He kidnapped me.

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