Chapter Thirty-One

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On Monday morning when I walked into work, my desk was chaotic. There were piles of unfiled paperwork taking up every inch. I sat down in my chair and tried my best to sort through it all before lunch. I was half way done when my phone buzzed against my desk.

Naomi: Take off all next week. We're going out.

Jessica: Where the hell are we going for an entire week?

Naomi: Just do it. Xoxo

I locked my phone and got back to work sorting and filing the papers on my desk. It was around 3:45 when I finally finished. Naomi was out of her mind if she thinks Sarah is going to approve an entire week off. She must want me to get fired. I was already skating on thin ice from missing so much work these past few weeks plus I had taken off for the wedding and honeymoon.

I was so behind on everything that I had to stay several hours overtime to organize this mess Sarah called life. I had no idea how she had any time for herself, even her bathroom breaks were scheduled. I opened the calendar on my computer and noticed she had everything completed, I don't know why she needed me, she was always ahead of herself. I guess I was her personal filing cabinet, but I didn't mind, I loved it here.

I finished sending a few last minute emails before I knocked on her office door. Sarah was an older woman, but she was easy on the eyes. Her skin was fair with a permanent crease line from stress. Her straight hair was dark brown that ended just past her shoulders. She was always dressed to the nines, ready to impress at any given moment. I envied her composure.

"Hey Jessica, good to finally see you." She said typing away at her computer. She didn't even glance my way as she finished her email, waving me inside.

I closed the door behind me before walking over to one of the chairs in front of her desk. I waited for her to finish up before she turned her attention to me.

"I know this short notice, but I was wondering if I can request next week off." I bit my nails nervously as I waited for her answer.

"The entire week?" She clarified. I nodded my head in response and watched as she clicked through a few files on her computer.

"Sure, next week is fine."

"Thank you," I said releasing the breath I was holding. I'm glad she didn't ask me why, I didn't even know.

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night."

"Thanks again." I said on my way out. I went back to my desk to shut down my computer for the day before grabbing my purse and cell phone. I unlocked it and sent Naomi a quick text.

Jessica: It's done. It better be worth it.

Naomi: It will be.

I locked my phone and shoved it in my purse as I badged through security. When I walked outside the wind slammed into me. I had forgotten my coat at my desk but decided to abandon it anyways. I jogged to my car as quickly as I could in my heals before unlocking it.

I jumped in and waited for my car to warm up before pulling away from the curb. Traffic was heavy as usual as I made my way through the city. As long as I lived here, you'd think I would get use to the bumper to bumper traffic, but I didn't. I was just grateful that I lived so close, making it more bearable.

Only three weeks left until our wedding day and I grew more anxious by the second. I didn't know what to do. I was too much of a coward to call it off, but could I really go through with this? Could I allow myself to marry someone I wasn't even in love with anymore? Every time I thought about it I felt sick to my stomach with nerves.

Unintentionally Bared (18+) ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora