Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I allowed Maria to drag me through the fifth flower shop of the day to pick out my flower arrangements. I was on auto pilot, nodding my head when needed, following her around, pretending to be interested when all I could think about was Alexander. I still couldn't get him off my mind and the memory of him was still painfully fresh.

Deep down, I wanted him to stop me from marrying Isaac, but I knew that would never happen. He wouldn't steal Issacs happiness for his own. What about my needs and what I wanted? Did he ever consider my feelings in all of this? Did I really want to spend the rest of my life with a man that I could never truly love? Did I want to move in with Isaac and start a family? Did I want to marry this man? I haven't really given it too much thought for fear of driving myself crazy. So, there I stood in the middle of another flower shop as Maria shoved flower after flower in my nose to smell.

"This one's my favorite!" Maria says handing me a bouquet of yellow roses. I hated yellow, but I nodded my head at her regardless.

She was planning the dream wedding for her son and I allowed it. I didn't have an option about anything anyways. I just wanted to go home, my head started to pound from all the different smells lingering in the air.

"How about a soft pink color?" The florist asked me handing me yet another arrangement of flowers. I liked them much better than the yellow ones Maria was found of.

"These are perfect." I said handing them back to her. She nods her head in agreement before discussing the final details with Maria. I didn't really know much about flowers nor did I care, I just wanted out of this place as soon as possible.

"I promise Ms. Sanchez, everything will be ready and set by March 1st. I just need the address of the venue." The florist said handing Maria a piece of paper to sign.

Our wedding was exactly thirty days away. I felt like I was running out of time. It was getting hard to breath, so I decided to step outside for some fresh air as Maria finished up.

Even when I was surrounded by people, I felt lonely. Everyone was looking at me as they walked by, but no one was truly looking. No one could see how broken I was on the inside. All I knew was that I hated myself for putting myself in this position. I could only blame myself. Maria exited the brick building a few minutes later smiling ear to ear.

"Everything's set! The last thing we need to do is pick out your dress and get Naomi fitted." She rambled on. " I still can't believe you haven't chosen your dress yet, that's the most important part."

"I'll do that this week." I replied walking down the street in the direction of her car.

"I'll hold you to it. Hey! I forgot to ask you if you'd help me plan Alexander a surprise birthday party, his birthdays on the 14th but I was thinking this weekend would be perfect."

The mention of Alexander made my heart skip a beat. I had no idea that his birthday was next week. February 14th, the day of love, how ironic. I took a deep breath to steady my emotions before replying. I knew it was a bad idea as soon as the word left my lips, but I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach at the chance to see him.


"Great, I want it to be a huge blow out. He deserves it, he's been in this funk all week and nothing I do can get him out of it."

Jealousy bubbles up inside of me as I imaging Maria trying to comfort him. Have they slept together since he's been with me? I didn't want to know. I focused my attention out of the window to distract myself for the sordid thoughts. I suddenly realized we were heading in the opposite direction of my apartment.

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