Chapter Sixteen

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"Jess." Naomi says softy against my ear, shaking my shoulder. I grunt in response, still too exhausted to open my eyes. "I'm heading out, my parents have called me three times asking why I wasn't at their house yet."

"Okay." I mumble. I turned my back towards her, snuggling into my warm comforter. My body instantly relaxed, as my mind slowly drifted off into bliss.

"By the way, Isaac's been sitting in the living room for the past hour." Naomi states before slamming my bedroom door. Reluctantly, I peel my eyes open and glance at the clock. 4:54 A.M. A loud groan escaped my lips and I forced myself out of bed. I headed into the bathroom to quickly clean the leftover taste of wine from my mouth before wobbling into the living room. Still only half awake, I spotted Isaac patiently waiting in front of the tree, surrounded by presents. His smile was undoubtedly contagious, and I was relieved his mood has improved. I walk over to sit directly in front of him.

"Merry Christmas beautiful." He says handing me a vanilla latte. I'm not sure what I looked like, but I was certain it was far from beautiful.

"Merry Christmas." I reply, leaning in to peck his cheek.

"Here," he says handing me a medium sized box from under the tree. "I can't wait any longer, start ripping."

We spend all morning taking turns opening gifts. As always, Isaac has outdone himself, blessing me with extravagant gifts well beyond my means. I felt content as I laid myself across Isaac's lap, as he causally feed me chocolate at six o'clock in the morning. He was playful, bringing the chocolate inches above my lips before swiping it out of my reach, effectively making me pout. His laugh was joyous, and it warmed my heart.

"Okay, I'll be nice. I'm sorry." Isaac says placing the chocolate against my lips, the sweet bitter bar melting against my tongue. I moan as it slides down my throat and smile up at him asking for more.

"That sound you make." He says placing another piece of chocolate in my mouth. "It drives me mad."

I laugh for the thousandth time this morning, gently slapping at his arm. The swelling in his face has decreased significantly but the bruising was more prominent. A mix of purple and yellow blended against the side of his cheek, blemishing his sculptured face.

"Are you going to your parents' house for dinner?"

"No. It's bad enough that my father saw me like this," he says pointing to the side of his face. "I couldn't bare it if my mother did too."

Nodding my head in response, I grab another piece of chocolate and pop it in my mouth. Contemplating on how to change the subject away from his mother.

"Your Uncle Marco called me yesterday."

"Oh yeah?" He questioned, slowly stroking his fingers through my hair.

"He invited us to his New Year's party this weekend." I say, gauging his reaction. His face was bleak as he stared ahead.

"That was thoughtful of him." He says, his fingers halting in my hair.

"So, will you go with me?" I ask, sitting up to face him. I felt terrible when I realized I was hoping he'd refuse.

"Can I think about it?" He asks, finally turning his attention towards me. I nod my head at him and place a soft kiss against his lips.

Before I could sit back, Isaac pulls me into his lap, his lips slowly molding to mine. Instantly, I thought of Alexander and it killed me. Issacs lips felt foreign against mine, the sensation was inferior in comparison. I felt nothing as my lips matched his and my heart sank. This was so fucked up. I needed to stop. I remove my lips from him and lean back "Isaac," I say trying to get his attention. His arms wrap tightly around my back as his lips travel down my neck in between my breast. Still, I felt nothing, and it made me sick. It was as if I wasn't present in the moment, but more like a bystander, watching the scene unfold in terror. "Isaac," I try again. He's relentless in his pursuit, gently grinding my nipple between his teeth. I throw myself off him onto the floor, my breathing ragged with panic. I feel like I'm going to throw up. His face is bewildered as he stares down at me.

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