Chapter Twenty-Two

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We didn't sleep. We stayed awake into the early hours of the morning just talking about our lives like where we've been, where we want to go, who we are, and what we want out of this life. Our conversation flowed easily as we bared our souls and secrets to each other. I couldn't get enough of him and it killed me when it came time to leave. We joked, laughed, and sang the entire drive to my apartment. Both of us glowing with happiness, holding hands. The sun was just rising against the city as he pulled into my parking garage. I immediately felt miserable, our time was up, and I had no idea when I would see him again. He leaned over the counsel and with his hand tangled in my hair, he kissed me.

No kiss was like the last, each time we kissed it was filled with more passion, more love. I never intended to fall for him, but I did, and I couldn't bring myself to feel guilty for it either. Our love felt amazing, he was amazing. He stole a bit of my soul each time we kissed, sealing it away deep inside him until he eventually he would have all of me. I missed him as soon as he pulled away, breaking our tantalizing kiss.

"I'll see you soon," he said brushing the hair out of my face. I nodded my head at him and leaned in for one more kiss.

"See you soon," I whispered before exiting his car.

I watched him drive away before I made my way to the elevators. The ache between my legs was evidence of what we did last night, and I smiled. Pressing the button for my floor I leaned against the wall and replayed last night in my mind. I had the time of my life, it was nothing short of perfect and I couldn't wait to see him again. Exiting my elevator, I walk down the hallway towards my door.

"Naomi?" I screech running to her. I lean down and shake her sleeping figure slightly causing her to stir.

"Go away." She mumbles. I stand up and unlock my door before dragging her inside by her feet. Damn she was dead weight.

"Get off of me, jesus, I can walk you know!" She groans out as she stands and braces herself against the wall.

"How did you get here?" I ask confused. I left her at Marcos like she asked, I didn't know she would try to come home or I would have given her a spare key.

"The limo." She replies wobbling into the kitchen. She fumbles with a few items in the refrigerator before slamming it closed. "I need water please."

I walk over to her and reopen the fridge. Grabbing both of us a bottle of water, I open one for her before opening mine and chugging. She looked terrible, her dress was replaced with oversized sweatpants and a black hoodie that ended just above her knees. Her shoes were missing, and her hair was a tangled mess at the top of her head. Naomi's make up was smeared down her face and her neck completely covered in round bruising hickeys. She was a wreck physically and emotionally. I pulled her onto the couch before placing two advils in her hand.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't seem like her normal self, maybe she was still drunk.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hungover." She replied downing the rest of her water.

I could see her emotions flying across her face as she contemplated what to tell me and what not to tell me. My immediate thought was that she regretted what she did with Marco but pushed that to the back of my mind once she started smiling.

"He was magnificent Jess." She took a deep breath before hiding her smile behind her hand. I knew the feeling all too well. "I felt him on such a deep level. I want to see him again." I smiled at my best friend, happy that Andy wasn't holding her back. I knew she loved him but sometimes people change, and you must move forward with your life, even if that means leaving the only man you ever loved behind.

"Does he want to see you again too?" I asked. Naomi bounced up and down on the couch like a school girl shaking her head yes. I couldn't help but smile with her, she was completely infatuated with him. What is it with Sanchez men stealing your heart in one night?

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