Chapter Fourteen

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"Five more minutes, just five more minutes just like this." Alexander begs, holding me tighter against him. I snuggle in closer, happy to indulge him. I take a deep breath, the smell of him was intoxicating as we laid in bed, the sun slowly rising. It was early, but Alexander needed to take me home before Isaac woke. I wish I could freeze time and enjoy this moment just a little while longer. Reluctantly I detached my body from his to get dressed. I had no spare clothes here which left my gown from last night my only option. Naked, I walked over to the other side of the bed, slipping my gown on and adjusting it. Alexander watched me hungrily from bed, his eyes darkening as I throw my panties at him.

"A souvenir of sorts." I smirk at him.

He laughs, throwing off the covers he walks over to a painting on the wall to remove it, revealing a built in safe. I watch amused as he unlocks the safe, throwing my panties inside. After securing them, he places the painting back on the wall, sending me a wink before he walks into the closet to get dressed. I wanted to ask him if Maria would find them there but decided against it. I didn't want to spoil his playful mood. A knock on the bedroom door startles me.

"Dad." Isaac calls from behind the door. Alexander jumps out of the closet, panic evident in his eyes as he contemplates what to do. I stand frozen in spot by the door too afraid to move, fearing he might hear me. Alexander places his finger against his lip urging me to stay silent as he walks toward the door. My heart is beating though my ears as Alexander opens the door, effectively shielding me behind it. I hold my breath when Isaac takes a step forward trying to enter the room. Alexander braces his arm against the frame, restraining Issacs movements.

"Have you seen Jessica? I can't find her. She's not at home, she's not in my room, she hasn't answered any of my calls. I'm so fucking worried." Isaac sobs from the doorway. My heart shatters, he's been searching for me and I've been here this entire time with his father. How could I be so cruel?

"She's here." Alexander states and my world stops.

"Where?" Isaac asks confused.

"She knocked on my door just a few minutes ago so I could take her home to you. She should be downstairs. Let me get dressed and I'll be right down." Alexander states.

"Thank you, Dad. I'll go find her." Isaac says jogging down the hallway.

I release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Alexander shuts the door soft and before I can blink he's on me, his strong hands lifting me against the wall, pinning me there. I wrap my legs around his waist as his lips attack mine. I run my fingers through his hair, holding him to me as we tasted each other. All too soon he pulls apart, leaving me lightheaded.

"I needed to taste you one more time before you go to him." Alexander says placing his forehead against mine. "Run down the hall and take the east wing stairs into the dining room. Hurry before he gets there." With a smack to my ass he ushers me out of his room, quietly closing the door behind me. My steps are relentless as I jog down the hallway opposite of where Isaac retreated. Adrenaline pumps through my veins with each step as I approach the stairs. As silently as I can I descend, praying I get there first. At the bottom of the stair case I round the corner running through the double doors leading into the dining room. I hastily sit at the table and grab an apple from the fruit bowl in the middle. Before I can take a bite, a disheveled Isaac marches into the room. I drop my apple against the glass table when I take in his appearance. The right side of his face is black and bruised, his knuckles full of blood. I gasp and rush to him.

"Oh Jessica," Isaac breaths pulling me to him. I lean back from his embrace to inspect his face. His eye socket is slightly swollen as it focuses in on me. "I'm so sorry about las-" he began.

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