Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Isaac was sound asleep and snoring before I even shut the door. I headed back downstairs where people were still celebrating Alexander's birthday. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I made my way towards Naomi's bouncing figure.

"I've found my new profession." She squealed pulling me in for a hug. I laughed her off and watched as she counted the money in her hand.

"Coffee is on you for the rest of the month." I joked.

"Lunch too." She smiled.

Marco approached her at that moment pulling her into a sensual kiss. She melted against him like butter and I averted my eyes to give them as much privacy as they could get in a crowded room. I was happy that she found someone she was so connected with. I couldn't help but notice Andy never made an appearance. I don't blame him though, I wouldn't have come if I was him either.

"I think we're going to head out." Naomi states grabbing my attention. Her slim figure was wrapped tightly against Marcos and she was blushing profusely.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

We hugged briefly before her departure and then I scanned the room looking for a familiar face. I couldn't spot who I was looking for, so I made my way towards the bar to grab another drink. I was smiling to myself while I waited. I felt incredible knowing it was as hard for Alexander as it was for me to stay away. We could be explosive together if he'd just allow it. My mind whirled with all they ways I could convince him when someone brushed the hair off the side of my neck.

"I never knew how territorial my nephew was." Samuel says chuckling.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It's great to see you again. Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked with amusement in his eyes.

"It's good to see you as well. I am, thank you." I replied grabbing my drink out of the bar tenders' hand.

"I'll have one as well." Samuel states to the bartender.

"Hmm, I never pegged you for a tequila drinker."

"He'll drink toilet water if it was placed in front of him." Diego said sarcastically from beside him.

I laugh as they begin bickering. I haven't even noticed they showed up tonight but considering I didn't pay attention to anything other than Alexander, I wasn't surprised I didn't see them before. They went back and forth with each other while I stood there amused.

"So where is my nephew anyways, " Samuel asks before licking the salt off the side of his glass before taking a huge gulp. Diego huffs out a puff of air before walking over to one of the poker tables leaving me to entertain Samuel.

"Sleeping off half a bottle of rum."

"Poor man."

The conversation fell quiet, neither one us not sure what to say next. I sipped on my drink and I glanced around the room again. I really wanted to spend some time with Alexander, but he was nowhere to be seen. I finished off my glass and decided to order another one. Samuel still hasn't said a word, but he continued to stand next to me while I waited for my drink to be finished.

"There's the man of the hour, Happy Birthday Alex." Samuel said bringing his brother in for a hug.

"I didn't think you'd make it. Thank you." Alexander said patting his brother on the back.

His attention turned to me and she smiled sweetly. He had changed his clothes since the last time I saw him. He now wore a pair of dark jeans and a white long sleeved t-shirt that hung to his muscles. His body leaned against the bar next to me and I could feel his body heat radiating off him. He smelled mouthwatering like he had just showered, and I wanted to taste him. Alexanders eyes scanned my face before lowering down to my neck. I swallowed hard as his gaze intensified. Oh, the power of this man.

Unintentionally Bared (18+) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt