Chapter Six

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Naomi and I sit at my wooden dining room table, carefully sorting through the presents so they arrive to its rightful owner on Christmas. It takes almost an hour to sort through everything, but it finally gets done.

"Now the fun part!" Naomi squeals, excited. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. She's always loved wrapping presents.

I help her bring the rest of the wrapping paper from the spare closet and lay it out on the table, so we can use a variety of different styles. I throw her a few rolls of tape and bows and gently slide an extra pair of scissors toward her as well. Once we've got our system organized we get to work, carefully wrapping and decorating each present.

"So how fucking excited are you to get married?" Naomi asks.

"Extremely." I reply slightly amused. The thought of marrying Isaac a few months ago made me nervous. I've barely begun my life yet, I haven't explored the world and that scared me. I came to realize that marrying him wasn't going to cease me from living my dreams, I was just going to experience those dreams with him.

"That's great babe. I knew you'd come around. Everyone gets cold feet every once and a while, but I can see that he's right for you. It's clear you both make each other happy."

Smiling at her kind words, I finish wrapping one of Issacs presents and tie a bow around it. I really do love that man so why not marry him? He's a man who knows what he wants and goes for it with no hesitation. Why waste time when it feels right. Coughing into my sleeve, I get up and set the finalized box under the tree and head back to the table to wrap some more. My throat burns as I take a sip of my ice-cold water, praying for the cold medicine to kick in sooner rather than later.

"You look like shit by the way. You better not be contagious, I'll beat your ass if I'm sick on my favorite holiday of the year. I'm not joking! Don't smile at me." Naomi states while pointing her finger in my face. I laugh her comment off.

"It's just a cold Naomi, not the flu. Calm down and help me wrap Issacs parents' gifts please. I want to finish those up, so I can run them by the house. I promised Isaac."

"Whatever. So, is Alexander hot or what? When I met him, I thought I died and gone to heaven. I mean for fucks sake, he's almost forty years old, how does he look that good?" Naomi rambles on like a school girl. Alexander really is a breathtaking man, I think to myself.

"Their family genes are blessed. I've yet to meet his mother though, but I'd expect nothing less considering how handsome Isaac is."

"Between you and me, his mother is a condescending bitch. Smoking hot but a bitch nevertheless. It seems like she's always got a stick up her ass." Nerves fill me at her declaration. Every woman's worst fear is the mother in law.

"Well I'll find out for myself tonight. She's promised Isaac she would be home for dinner this time. Isaac's meeting me there after work, he's anxious for me to meet her."

"Good luck." Naomi mumbles while ripping a piece of tape off with her teeth and placing it perfectly against the bright red wrapping paper.

"Thanks. How's Andy been? I haven't seen him around in a while."

"He's alright. Your fiancé has been keeping him preoccupied with work. Apparently, they are trying to play catch up on a few delayed files."

Nodding my head, I finish up the last present and glance around my chaotic dining room. I head down the hall to grab a few gift bags to help me carry everything. Once everything is either packed up or under the tree in my living room, I settle on my black leather sofa and wrap my soft blanket around me. Naomi settles in on the opposite side of the couch and props her feet up.

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