Chapter Thirty

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I woke to the smell of bacon and my mouth instantly watered. The sun burned as I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I spotted Isaac standing in the doorway eating a plate of food while smiling at me.

"I knew you'd wake up if you smelt food." Walking over to me, he picked up a piece of bacon off his plate before giving me a bite. I moaned as I tasted the freshly cooked meat and I reached for more. "Come on, Dad make breakfast." Isaac said before walking out of the room.

I glared at him even after he was gone before I hopped out of bed to brush my teeth. I walked into Isaac's bathroom and grabbed the toothbrush off the sink. I turned on the faucet to wet my tooth brush before looking into the mirror. I looked like a train wreck, my makeup was smeared down my cheek and my hair was a tangled mess. I couldn't see Alexander like this!

I brushed my teeth quickly before jumping into the hot shower. I lathered my hair with conditioner praying that I could get a brush through the knots before washing the rest of my body. Jumping out into the cold bathroom, I wrapped a towel around my body before searching for something to wear.

The outfit I wore yesterday was filthy and my dress was out of the question. I stomped into Isaac's closet, praying that I could find something presentable to wear. I finally settled on a pair of black basketball shorts and an oversized grey t-shirt. I dried my hair the best I could before I raked my brush through it. My scalp burned as I tugged it through my hair. Finally, after fifteen minutes, I could now run my fingers into my hair without any problems.

By the time I got downstairs everyone was already sitting at the table eating. I blushed when everyone's conversations stopped to stare at me. I felt ridiculous in Isaac's clothes, but he seemed amused and waved me to an empty seat next to him. I glanced in Alexander's direction to see him smile, he instantly calmed my nerves.

"Good afternoon sleepy head, rough night?" Samuel asked from across the table.

"Something like that." I grumbled before I sat down. I was still extremely tired from staying up so late. I could feel Alexander's eyes on me as I winced in my seat, I was sore everywhere. I glanced at him quickly and he sent me a wink. Bastard.

Isaac filled my plate full of bacon, eggs, and pancakes before helping himself to more food. I thanked him before I shoveled as much food as I could into my mouth. I was starving.

"Isaac, you know it's frowned upon to brand your woman." Diego said sarcastically. I choked on my food and glanced at Alexander in panic.

"What?" Isaac said turning towards me. He lifted the hair off my shoulder revealing the hickey his father left. I swallowed the food harshly in my mouth as I waited for his wrath. "Damn Jess, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I really don't remember much from last night."

"Hey asshole. You never tell a woman that!" Samuel says throwing a biscuit at Isaac's head.

"Shit, I'm sorry again." Isaac said kissing the side of my head before turning back towards his food.

I glanced in Alexander's direction discreetly and he sent me a reassuring smile. I had completely lost my appetite, but I forced myself to eat regardless. By the time I finished eating, my heart has calmed down to its normal pace.

"I don't understand why Marco is in charge of your bachelor party. You know I would have blown it out of the water. I know some of the best strippers in New York." Diego says refilling his plate for the third time.

"Dude, I'm sure Jessica doesn't want to hear about her fiancé last night on the prowl. Have some respect. What the hell is wrong with you guys." Samuel says. Isaac chuckles from beside me before taking my hand in his.

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