Chapter 10- Kim Seokjin

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"You guys are idiots for such 'scary' creatures." I laughed.
"Hey, who said we aren't scary?" Jungkook pouted.

"You're not helping." Namjoon laughed.
"Hyungggg-" jungkook whined.
"Guys shut up, I'm going to call Jin." Yoongi said as he sat down in a chair near by.
"Why?" Tae asked.
"I'm going to get him to take away the wounds and scars from her arm." Yoongi said as he held his phone up to his ear.
"You're kidding right?" Hoseok asked, sitting on the bed next to my feet.
"No.... Hey Jin.. what do I want? Well.. you see.. there's this girl-"
"Yoongi I swear to god if you killed another girl-" I heard over the phone. I silently laughed with the others.
"No! I didn't hurt anyone! We were at the club and a fight broke out, they pushed her and she fell back on some glass and it cut her up pretty bad. The glass went deep into her arm in multiple places. Can you help or not?"

"Jin deals with Magic. He's a warlock pretty much." Tae explained to me.
"Like a wizard?" I giggle.
Namjoon smiles at that and turns away, in hopes I wouldn't see it. Oh but I did.

"Never call him that, he will get very mad." Hoseok warns, straight faced.
"Got it, don't call magic boy a wizard."
"Don't call me that either-"
"If you don't stop yelling in my ear I'll kick your ass Jin!" Yoongi yelled, causing us all to laugh.


"Go home, I'll be fine." I insist to a very sleepy six.
"But you're in the hospitalll.." Jungkook whined.
"And you're tired. Go home. I'll be fine alone, I'll probably just rest."
"We aren't leaving you alone-"
"How about we leave Namjoon here with her as punishment." Jimin interrupted Jungkook.
Hoseok and Namjoons heads shot straight up as they looked at Jimin.

"Sounds good to me, let's go." Jimin said grabbing an already sleeping Yoongi. Surprisingly, even after being picked up like a rag doll he didn't wake up.
"I didn't agree-"
"Come on Hoseok." Tae yawned.
"We're all tired, he's been ignoring her like an asshole, let's just rest until Jin gets here tomorrow." Jungkook added.

"Yah! Watch the language kid!" Hoseok warned.

He's an adult...

"Fine fine.." he huffed.

"Let's go. I love you Alex, I'll see you later." Hoseok smiled. He hugged me, and the rest did the same other than Yoongi, who was still out cold.

They left the room as I looked over at Namjoon who was half asleep, rubbing his neck.

"These damn chairs aren't too comfortable.."
"These beds aren't great either if that makes you feel any better." I sigh.
"It's better than this chair."
"Then sit over here." I say checking the time.

It was about four in the morning.
"Where?" He asked. As soon as he did I moved over as far as possible and patted the space beside me.
"I don't mind. You need to sleep and this is more comfortable."
"Alex, that's not-"
"Shut up and get over here." I sigh, annoyed.
He shook his head and got up, sitting next to me. "What was it that you wanted to ask me about before?" Namjoon asked.
"Did anything happen after you helped with my arm in that bathroom?" I ask, watching him freeze.
"I remember you kissing me.." I mumble, looking at his lips.
"You're just tired, you need to sleep." He quickly replied.
"I know better.. just be honest with me and yourself  Namjoon.."
"I was hoping you wouldn't remember that.." he mumbled.
"I did after you answered the phone. You need to explain.."
"Can we just sleep for now? I promise I'll explain later." He begs.
"Fine.. only if you promise to tell me later.."
"Of course." He smiled, laying down beside me, maintaining distance.

I'm a Monster. • Kim Namjoon / RM •Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat