41: Future Plans

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"I still can't believe it..." Hades mumbled, kneeling next to you and stroking your large stomach. "Only five years after Macaria and you are with child once again..."

"I simply cannot believe it again, either." You laughed. "Nor can I believe the plan you are concocting. Wipe your memories; really? Why would that work better than before?"

"Well, I think it would be the best way to infiltrate the humans. Get them to trust me. They've advanced too much. I don't think I can just go up again... Especially if I take you this next time." He smiled up at you.

"Take me?!" You smiled largely. "It's been ages!"

"It's been a year since we went up as a family." He kissed your belly before standing up. "But I have plans this time around. I want us all to be able to live above ground. So this time, the girls will stay below ground. But I don't want us to begin the plan until they both are fully mature."

"Such mature thinking from you my love." You giggled as you felt your child hiccup in your stomach. "That reminds me, have you come up with any names for this baby? They are coming soon. I know it."

"I only care if it is a female. Melinoe." He responded quickly.

"What a macabre name, love." You frowned slightly.

"Dark-minded, because she will be born in the dark. Not because she will be evil in any way. Just like Macaria was." He patted his daughter's quiet head.

"Yes, but Macaria means truly blessed."

"Yes, but I like M names. Just as you prefer Z names for male offspring." He protested lightly.

You finally acquiesced and just waved him off. You were so happy with your arrangement. Now with this second child on the way, your family felt ultimately complete. No more pressure, no more worries. With just Macaria, the fear was that she might be stuck ruling the Underworld some millennia from now. With a sibling, the weight was more equally distributed. At least, that was how you viewed it.

Macaria was only five, so she didn't really view it any particular way besides having a new playmate. One could only torture the demons for so long. Pain and Panic had taken to hiding from her and even Cerberus had to be commanded to watch over her. She was quick, with her tiny black wings, and she certainly used them to get into her fair amount of trouble.

"Melinoe is a good name, Father." She touched his leg to get his attention and nodded.

He swooped her up in his arms and kissed her plump cheek.

"I love you, my daughter. And I love you even more for liking my name! We will both hope together that it is a sister that is growing within your mother! Melinoe it will be!" He smiled as the pair cheered together. "And then you can both watch over the Underworld while we go make the human realm safe for all the demons to come up and live there. I hope you will get to experience the sunshine and the fresh air for many centuries to come."

"Me too, Father." She nodded.

I hope so, as well. You thought to yourself. But I worry.

AN: And that's where this ends off! Go read Book 2: You've Changed!

Plus, don't forget my Koda x Reader, or my various other fanfictions ;) Thank you all for voting, commenting and sticking with this for so long! I really appreciate it!

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