8: The Plan

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"I must go back." Lucifer muttered to himself unhappily.

Within a blink of an eye, he was back in his throne, robe-less with demons swarming around his feet.

"Jenny." He called his assistant forward. The fluffy, red demon was suddenly there.

"Yes, Satan?" She inquired.

"How does one acquire a 'woman on the market'?" He asked thoughtfully.

"A fertile human woman?" She clarified, surprised at this question.

"Yes. Oh, and could I breed with one?"

"There's no precedent for one. Demon reproduction is an incredibly rare phenomenon. But you are not a demon. We would not know. As for acquiring one, let me find out."

Jenny disappeared briefly. But for Lucifer, it was an annoyingly long time. Especially since he now knew that time was much faster in the human realm than the demon realm. He didn't want to reappear only to find that you were mated with offspring. He was quite sure that you wouldn't want to leave then.

But before he could begin to complain, Jenny came back.

"Which human, specifically? It seems each has a different price."

"Ah yes, those farm animals. Where could I acquire those?" He ran his hand through his long blonde hair.

"Why not just take the human?" Jenny suggested. "It is not as if they could escape the demon realm."

"Can I just take them here? Won't there be problems with their human bodies? They need things."

Jenny remained quiet for a moment. She wasn't sure why he wanted this so much, but it was her job to ensure his happiness.

"We could mix her with a demon." She suggested hesitantly. They hadn't done it before, but it could work.

"Would the demon not simply take over their body?" He sighed. This was looking like a long shot and he wasn't happy about it.

"If the demon avoided the brain, it would likely work. Humans personalities lie in the organ within their skulls. I suppose the human could resist, but success would be more likely if the demon resisted the brain. But you would lose the demon permanently." She wasn't a fan of this at all. Jenny was quite serious about demons being the ultimate species, and the idea of mixing species only to end in a demon death was not one she approved of. But this didn't matter. What mattered was that Satan was satisfied.

"Persephone." The name came out of his mouth before he even registered it. "Let me ask you again. If I took you to the human realm, could you resist killing?"

As the plant-like demon emerged, it stood quietly in front of Satan's throne. Jenny was giving it a look that said everything it needed to know: the answer better be yes.

"If you require it of me, your Highness." It bowed before him.

"For your sacrifice, you'll earn a place by my side. Take solace in that." He nodded solemnly. "Jenny, brief it on the plan. I shall return to the human realm shortly to begin the plan."

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now