26: Joy

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"You still seem troubled, YN." He tickled your face with his wings. "What else is on your mind?"

"I am lonely." You admitted. "I miss the other humans."

"Is Cerberus' attention not enough? As well as my own?" He stroked your arm as you continued to sit on his lap.

"No, it is not, I suppose, although I do enjoy it." You kissed his wing affectionately and mindlessly, an act that even surprised you as you did it. "You know, I did say that I wanted to wait until we knew I was with child to get married."

"So would you prefer for us to postpone the wedding further?" His long blonde hair was draped beautifully over his shoulders. You were drawn to it, and before you realized it, your were braiding pieces of it, as if they were rope.

"I would prefer, but I do not require. You said yourself that regardless of the marriage, you would find a way for us to have a family." You laid your head on his shoulder and sighed again. "Spend more time with me, Lucifer."

All of his wings fluttered suddenly, causing you to fall backwards slightly and prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck.

"Yes?" You giggled.

"I should believe that I have only experienced such joy from a sentence from when you agreed to have a family with me." He admitted as he wrapped his own arms and wings tightly around you. "Could you ask me again, YN?"

"Would you spend more time with me, Lucifer?" You continued to giggle as his blonde hair tickled your nose. "I do enjoy our time together."

"Of course, YN. Of course, I will shower you with affection as much as I can. In fact,  I don't believe I have much business to attend to in the next few thousand years. In that time, I can promise to you that I shall give my best attempt at providing you a family. As for loneliness however, I could open up a tunnel that only you or I could use. It would allow you access to many of the dens of the demons I hold in high regard. Amon for example, and his mate Sirene. Jenny. Pain and Panic, although they're imbeciles." His lips lightly graced your forehead whenever he spoke. But the words themselves were just as soft as the action.

"I've gotten much better at holding my human form." You abruptly changed the subject.

"Lots of practice at the river Styx, yes?" He hand stroked the side of your face "Even if I do not come with you, I do hear of your actions through Cerberus or Jenny."

"If by river Styx you mean the river that I throw sticks into, then yes." You swatted at his chest, but left your hand there, dragging your fingers around his swollen breasts. It had taken you a while to get used to such features, but now you found them almost endearing.

"After we rest for a few hours, I would like to accompany you to the orchard. May I?" Lucifer pet your body and encased you and him in a dome of wings; something he only did when he craved intimate privacy.

"Of course you may."

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now