2: Peculiar Human

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"Humans.... wear clothes you know." You mentioned off-handedly, blushing

"Oh very well. I shall protect your delicate human sensibilities." Hades sighed and was suddenly covered in a flowing white robe. You gave him an odd look. "What now, human?"

"I just didn't think you would like that kind of clothing. It's so... light."

Lucifer huffed.

"And I suppose you think I look nothing like how Hades would look." He was about to go back to his own realm. This played out the same every time he came up here. He changed his robes to black briefly.

"I wouldn't know how Hades would look because I have never met him before." You slowly came out from your hiding spot as you noticed that the god in front of you was becoming irritated. "I didn't mean to offend you. I think the white looks better on you. It makes your eyes shine brightly."

Hades was floored. What a peculiar human. He thought as he looked at your fruit and changed back into white.

"Ah. I assume you've never seen a pomegranate before, since you were so. concerned about them bruising."

"Pom... -er-granate? It does not look so appealing." He picked up a fruit and examined it closely, as if there was a trap door on it somewhere. "They did not have these the last time I came up."

"Pom-e-granate. They're difficult to grow. The tree takes a long time to grow and sprout fruit. And the tree is very particular about where it will grow. This is one of the only orchards in hundreds of miles. They're my favorite."

"Tis a fruit?" Hades looked even more concerned as he squeezed the fruit strongly.

"Oh, be ca—" You tried to warn him as the fruit exploded in his hand, showing him and you in a ruby red juice. Hades looked completely shocked, as if nothing so appalling had ever happened before.

You couldn't help but let out a delicate tinkling laugh as you dug in your pocket for a towel. Wiping your own face first, you decided to take some action. Reaching forward, you gently wiped at Hades' juice splattered face.

"Cursed fruit." He muttered under his breath. But he couldn't be too upset. The sound that you were producing made his brain tingle. His lips tugged upward at the corner and for once in the last few eons, he felt himself becoming less bored.

"You need to try one. Come with me!" You grabbed your heavy basket and motioned for him to follow. But Hades didn't follow you. He wasn't trying to stay this long in the human realm. And he was sure that God wouldn't like it.

However, the sensation of your warm, human hand reaching out and grasping his own cold, marble-like hand, made him reconsider. His feet moved on their own and before he could stop himself, you were both in a field full of flowers.

"I love flowers too. Here, sit with me and we will eat a pomegranate." You threw your heavy baskey down and took a seat suddenly. Patting the ground next to you, you signalled this man to sit with you.

Hades hesitated but decided to acquiesce. This fruit had better be delicious.

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now