27: Bonding

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However, it wasn't anywhere near time to rest. You couldn't tell when night or day was, but you certainly weren't tired.

In fact, as you relaxed into Lucifer's lap, you decided that you felt quite satisfied at the moment. More than quite. Very satisfied.

"Lucifer?" You whispered in the feather dome of his wings.

"Yes, YN?" His eyelashes fluttered against your forehead.

"Could we try again for another baby?" your fingers danced along his collarbone.

"Right now?" His eyes opened in surprise and his bright blues pierced into yours. He felt nervous. He hadn't had much time to recoup from his last sexual experience, but he would be damned-- or at least even more damned than usual-- if he wasn't going to accept such an opportunity.

"Well... Yes. We could go back to our room, if you desired." You blushed lightly at such a request.

"No... No, I think we could stay right here. But first, I should like to... to kiss you." You watched as his lips softened and his eyelids drooped.


His fingers flew under your chin and pushed it upwards, until your own lips were pressed against his own.

"Bond with me, YN. Be my mate." He pulled back and whispered against your lips. You looked back at him with a flushed face.

"Could you... only do this... with me?" Your lips tickled his as you made a request that he wasn't quite sure he wanted to do.

"Will you marry me, tomorrow?" He shifted you so that you were straddling his lap on his stone throne.

You bobbed your head side to side, thinking about the compromise. After all, wouldn't it make sense for him to promise you monogamy after you got married?

"Please?" The word came out of his lips. "I found and molded you what resembles... a ring? Humans males provide a conventionally attractive piece of jewelry, and human females wear them around a specific finger to signify that they are bonded. Correct?"

"I don't even know what you're really saying... but I would love a ring." You smiled, excited to have something that was more normal than your life had been.

"Jenny." Lucifer opened his wing just enough to hold his hand out.

"Yes, master?" She greeted him almost instantaneously.

"The ring, please." He demanded and was handed the ring. "Then go. No one else is allowed in here."

And as soon as she had appeared, she had left again and Lucifer's wings closed back around you.

You held out your left hand and pointed to the ring finger.

"It goes here." You told him.

"Ah, yes. Allow me." He smiled as he put the ring, a golden band with two uncut diamonds and one uncut ruby. It looked like the Underworld; rough, but not without it's beauty. "Do you like it?"

"I love it. Especially since it is a gift from you." You admired it before you looked back up at the god of the demons. Carefully, you placed your lips back onto Lucifer's and raised your hands to the wings on his head, threading your fingers through them.

He deepened the kiss, pulling you closer to him via your waist. His body was ready; and so was yours.

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now