40: Hello, Macaria

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"You can do it, my bravest love. Almost finished." Lucifer cheered you on.

"Lies! Dirty lies from Hades from the Underworld!" You screamed as your face turned red, your body naturally telling you when to push.

Hades had to try not to laugh at your insults. He knew you were in pain and knew that you were scared; but he was amused by your words. He stood between your legs and watched his daughter as you pushed her into the world, while you laid on the edge of the river.

"Here she is, here she is!" Lucifer cheered as the shoulders finally popped out from your body. "And she is most definitely a she with genitals like my wife. Macaria! Oh, Macaria, welcome to your kingdom!"

He cooed to her as he passed her quickly to your out-reaching arms. You held her closely as you checked her mouth and cleaned off her tiny body.

Tiny, tiny whimpers were released as she began taking in more serious breaths of Underworld air.

"Oh, wife. The baby. The baby!" Lucifer looked torn, looking from between your legs and to the baby. "I want to hold her. To hold Macaria, but I know you're not finished..."

"You'll have plenty of time." You groaned, another contraction rippling through your body. "Let me have her."

And have her, you did. Lucifer hardly got to hold her for what felt like days because you finally had her. You had your baby. You had your family. You felt complete.

Life went on from there. As Macaria grew, at a relatively human pace, you experienced the many ups and downs of a baby once again.

The first smile. The first teeth. The first crawling. The first steps. The first words.

"Pom-pa." She had said when she was just over a year. Her parents favorite fruit.

"Oh I love her, my wife! I love our daughter! She will be such a wonderful leader!" He swept the toddler into his arms "Your father loves you, Macaria!"

"Macki, my baby, is your father being silly?"

"Pom-pa! Pom-pa!" She laughed as her tiny black wings popped out of her back. 

"I am so happy that she has wings like me. It reminds me that she is my own flesh and bones" Lucifer stroked the tiny wings, causing his daughter to snuggle closely into his chest. "My wife, shouldn't we be trying for another sooner rather than later? What if it is another millennium? I want Macaria to have siblings as I had. She deserves the best we can offer."

You laughed at this.

"Are you sure you are not just bored with the fact that I have devoted every second of my time to her?" You raised an eyebrow and curled some vines out to snatch your baby from him and spin her in the air, to her delight.

"Envy is a sin, my darling." He noted, pulling your by your vines into his body. "And I love to sin with you."

You laughed, but you saw the twinkle in his eye. Cerebus would end up doing babysitting for you. Your husband needed you too.

AN: I honestly thought I posted this; so sorry! We're nearing the end! Thank you for holding on with me! Yay! Baby Macaria!

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