16: Wings, Baby

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What happened in turn was hilarious. His wings sprung out and wrapped around him and he spun quickly in a circle. When he opened his eyes, it was almost as if his pupils were spinning in his sclera and his tear ducts leaked.

You laughed and laughed and laughed. Falling down onto Cerberus, who was howling along with you, you kept laughing as Lucifer did his best to keep on his feet. And when he finally pushed his wings out again, you blushed and laughed even more. All that and he still couldn't keep his clothes on.

"My apologies... YN. It seems that I too, need practice." He sat next to you on the ground and fluttered his wings. "So? Please proceed."

"Does it feel good when someone touches your wings?" You asked as you sat next to Hades. His wings curled around you, bringing you closer to him.

"Find out." His lips curled upward. It was heavenly when someone touched his wings.

Gently, you reached out and held the feathers between your hands, stroking lightly.

Suddenly his arms shot out and grabbed onto your waist, pulling you onto his lap. White wings, so light they almost glowed, encased you. One of the wings from his torso laid in your lap.

"Please, keep touching." He begged.

Normally,  you would have been terrified to be pulled into the lap of a strange man, but instead, you felt giddy. You had never felt anything so soft. You would sit anywhere on or below Earth to be able to keep touching them.

Your fingers ran along each vanes of each feather, so light it felt as though your were running your hand through a cloud. Lucifer was making some purring type of noise. It was almost endearing, as he tipped his head backwards. He was like a cat... or perhaps a parrot mimicking a cat.

Your fingers stroked the shafts of each feather and Lucifer's arms tightened around you. Suddenly, your neck was much warmer and you felt feathers on your face. Lucifer buried his face in his neck as the non-human purring continued.

Rubbing your own face into the smaller wings on his head, you felt your demon form recede, as the feeling of warm and springtime and sunshine engulfed you once again.

Minutes ticked by, and then it had been an hour. You had taken it upon yourself to begin counting all of his feathers. Every feather you saw, your fingers ran along it, making sure not to pull apart the vane of any. Hundreds of feathers you had counted; each as beautiful and soft as the last.

Lucifer's fingers very gently rubbed the cloth that was covering your humanoid body. He enjoyed the feeling but not as much as the feeling of your skin against his. He almost wanted to eat you, you were so soft and smelled so good. But instead, he did nothing but hold you close. He didn't want to scare you off, but demons were not cuddly and this sort of affection was new to him. The demons he had been with before you were always just receptacles for his fluids and to take his frustrations out on. Your human skin and personality made him feel differently. You were small and delicate— perhaps not as delicate before merging with Persephone, but delicate nonetheless.

The feeling that he could kill you with one small blow and yet that he didn't want to was entirely new and entirely enthralling.

I Go By Many Names (Lucifer {Ryo} x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now