Planning To Party

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I wake up the next morning and the same routine is dealt with. I drive to school and park it near the gates. Purposely so I can give myself a little walk to refresh, rewind and clear my sleepy mind from last nights sleep.

Passing by other cars, I expect the same reactions as yesterday. Every one on their phones and exclaiming each others love for one another by hugs and sentimental kisses. But it wasnt the same today. People were outside but all eyes were on me.

I couldnt understand why I had become the center of attention on my second day of school so I bow my head down and walk away making myself feel small.

It shocked me, really. Was being saved by Madeline so serious and gossip worthy? Was it the fact that I encountered with Chuck, whatever the shit his last name is, and escaped from his wrath-that interesting?

I brush off the thought and squeeze it to the back of my head. I walk up the school stairs onto the hall and Im welcomed by dawning memories from the other day.

And thats when something hard hits my head. No not a memory. An actual real object hit my head. I turn around to face Chuck who threw a book at my head. "Welcome to the second day of school, shitface !" he laughs his butt off and his friends who were besides him laugh too.

I grunt as loud as I can and rub off the pain. Once I'm out of sight one of his minions picks up the book and returns it. I keep on walking and cut a left to the stairs and meet up with Madeline and Michelle talking to each other by the lockers. Where apparently my locker is insituated at too.

"Hey there!" Michelle notices me first and gives me a head toss. I smilled and waved with my free hand. Madeline hadnt noticed me and once she did her faced flushes all in an instant.
"Hey." she says

"Girl,why the hell you looking like my ass after getting a good spank?"

"Bitch! Shut up." She slaps her arm .

"Or maybe," she glanced at both of us, "you guys a-"

"NO!" I said in unison with madeline.

She laughs and says "Well okay. But you may never know."

I felt bad last night after leaving Madeline all alone at the school grounds like that. Made me feel like I was too rude. Im even shocked she still wants to talk to me after what I did.

We walk to class and sit in our designated seats. Although we had a little fight with Chuck and his minions we had a great class. But during it , Michelle hisses at us. We turned to look at what she hissed about , and she enthusiastically informed us:

" Hey guys! Guess what, there's a party at Charles' mansion today!"

"Oh shit! Really?!" Madeline whisper-screams. She has this wide smile stretching across her cheeks.

"Yes really!"

She releases a shrivelled scream. Loud enough for the teacher to glare at us as the whole class snickers at Madeline. Michelle flipped them off then continues.

"And its at 8 pm. We can totally make it!"

"Eeeek! I cant wait."

Im stuck staring at the two girls like they came from a cheerleading pep rally. Or as teenage girls who get their first makeup kit. "What the heck is up with you too?" I whisper at them in frustration. "We have some numbers to crunch here!"

"Look nerd, Charles is like the most popular person in the whole school, every girl is head over heels for him! I mean its not like he hasnt been in all the girls pants before but he's still popular nonetheless." She rolls her eyes. " Anyway, so he throws these amazing parties, that are remarkable. And no one I mean no one can plan the best parties like he can."

"So hes been in your pants before?" I ask teasingly.

"Sheesh no! I have my self respect. I cant sleep with such a caniving , whore fucking, blue tucking , jaw shaped , beautiful looking ,.."

"Michelle!" Madeline slaps her arm gently. "Neither have I though." She continues, "But i wish to."

"She has a crush on him." Michelle chuckles. Maddie slaps her again. "Shut the hell up! I do not!"

"Okay, okay, whatever."

"Anyway so we're going." Michie points at all of us. I get startled and shake my head. I am not ready to go to any party in this state, i just started going to this school and the last thing I needed is to attract attention to myself. Mostly at a party full of people all around. One might recognise me. Or worse, my wig might fall off! After that , i wont go back looking as great as I always do.

With all these girls with sharp fake add on nails, no celebrity can live to see the daylight if just one sees me.

"No!" I exclaim. "No, I can't go to this party I have to um.. Do some calculus .. and feed my cat." I unsuringly said.

"No excuses, cat boy, your mom will feed it. Your going with us."

"But i dont wa-"

"Youre going no matter what!"


"Miss Tamer, Mr. Bentley, we deserve silence in this class. Unless you would like to share your conversation with the class, I recommend keeping quiet till the end of the lesson." The teacher informs us as he gives us a deadly glare.

"We're sorry sir."

He nods and goes back to his computer.

"8 pm sharp, we'll send you the details later. Dont delay!" Michelle gives me a stern look as if to scare me into doing it. I sigh and roll my eyes. Turning to my book , I comtemplate on ways that i wont be caught or found out at the party. Maybe It wont be so bad. Maybe nothing will go wrong.

Everything will be fine.




Dear Readers,

Ugh its finally been two weeks from the last post and i feel like so lazy. This artblock is killing me. Do you know what tyoe of spiritualness pushed me to even write this? Me neither. But im writing this at mt makeup class since im so bored and we have nothing to do.

Anyway i hope you enjoyed another chapter! Please share this dtory to get more views and get known please? 50 views this time? Please.

Anyway i love you all and i hope i can whip up another batch of chapter 7 soon... I hope so..

Bye byee!!
Leave a star!

Fatma salim,

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