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"oh Allah make my love for you the most beloved thing to me,and my fear for you,the most fearful thing to me,and remove from me all the worldly needs and wants by instilling a passion for meeting you ,and when you have given the people of the world the pleasures of their world,make the coolness of my eyes(pleasure)in worshipping you.

"Hanina wake up its time for fajr"


"Wakeup and pray"the person screamed again dragging my source of warmth away from me.

i quickly got up,to find my mom glaring at me with a torch light in her hand.

"Na tashi"(I've woken up)I said smiling sweetly at her.

"What happened to the inverter?,why are you using a torchlight?"I asked her while grabbing my headscarf.

"The battery is down,nepa sun ki kawo wuta?"she replied taking the only torch light with her,she left the room in total darkness.

Groaning I searched my bed,like a blind person for my phone,found it.

Switching it on I made my way to the bathroom for wudu(ablution).

After offering my salat ,I quickly dozed of again,what?, sleep is bae.

"Wallahi hanina if you don't get up,this instant and dress for work,za ki ci duka(you'll get beaten)"I heard mom's voice screaming in my ear.

Haba dan Allah,wallahi you'll not be the death of me,must I always wake you up?,the man you are getting married to will suffer!"

Yawning I stood up,and eyed juwy groggily.

"Munafuka, mama has left for work,but you had the guts to call her and tell her am still sleeping Koh?"

"You guys work in the same place remember"?she asked me rolling her eyes.

"So?"I asked putting my feet down slowly.

"You didn't switch off your phone,i innocently came to your room looking for my maroon lipstick when I saw your phone ringing ,mom was calling,so I picked it up and told her you were still sleeping,kuma she told me to place it near your ear!.

she replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Maroon lipstick?"I asked my eyes widening "are you crazy if I see that lipstick near you ,za ki yabawa aya zaki"I exclaimed aiming my pillow at her.

"What are you even doing at home?"

"Today is Saturday that's what!"she replied sitting on my bed.

Taking my towel,i made my way to the bathroom.

Am not in the mood for makeup ,so I just lined my eye with kohl,perks of being a fair person,wore my black abaya,matched it with a black flats and tada am done.

"What are you still doing here?,am not giving you your phone"

"No dama,i wanted to ask you , whether I could go to mimi's house"she asked looking at me expectantly.

"Hadda fah?"(what of qur'anic memorization class).

"I thought I could skip for today"she replied shrugging her shoulders as if it's no big deal.

"Skip?,go and dress joor,am dropping you off and don't even think of sneaking,you can go to mami's house tomorrow".

"It's mimi,not Mami"she replied leaving my room.

"Oho dai ,islamiyya Sai an je shi(whatever you are still going to school)"I screamed laughing.

Making my way downstairs,i quickly grabbed a bar of kit kat,i'll eat something when I get to the office.

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