It isn't rocket science to know that I don't fit in with the party crowd. For crying out loud, I've never been to a high school party. Reece asked me once, the very first time he was invited back in sophomore year and I kindly turned down his offer. It happened to turn out that after Reece when to that party and gotta taste of what's it like at those parties, he never asked me to come with him again. I figured he realized then and there that I wouldn't fit in.

There I go agian, looking for excuses to not talk to Reece. The truth is that it's not that party I'm scared of, it's Reece. What am I supposed to say to him?

What's up best friend! Great party, huh?! So I kinda am in love with you and a lot of stuff happened after New Years like having a gun to my back and stuff like that but who cares about that?! Let's party!

I'm sure that will go just swimmingly. I might as well just go to the nearest community pool and begin to swim laps because that will be easier than telling Reece that.

I can't even swim!

"Zada, I'm waiting," Charlie calmly states, reminding me that I don't have all night to decide whether I want to run away again or face my fears. 

I take a deep breath, grab Charlie's hand, and run for the entrance, pulling Charlie behind. The guy yelps in surprise by my sudden force as I drag him as fast as I can into the building and into the nearest elevator. Some people who were already inside the elevator, decided to exit it and catch the next one when they saw the crazed look in my eyes.

"Whoa Zada, not so fast," Charlie says after the elevator doors close. 

I lean against the far back wall to catch my breath while Charlie clicks the button for the twenty first floor. There are a total of forty floors in this building so this guy doesn't live too high but high enough that I can't jump out of a window to escape.

"I had to move as fast as I could before I changed my mind," I explain through my panting. I'm already beginning to feel the nerves taking over my body. If it weren't for the elevator wall, myy butt would be on the ground. 

What have I done? This elevator music is not one bit calming. I want to back home!

But the 'ping' sound indicating that we reached our floor says otherwise. There's definitely no turning back now as the elevator doors open to reveal a bright lit beige hallway. Charlie gets off the elevator first while I stay behind.

"You coming?" Charlie asks, holding his hand on the elevator doors so they don't close. I glare at Charlie's hand, wishing it wasn't there so that the elevator doors could properly close and take me back to the main floor.

Charlie raises his eyebrow at me. He doesn't have to say anything because I know what he's thinking.

There's no going back now.

I take a large, cautious step off of the elevator, as if I have crossed over into the dark side. I wince as I hear the elevator doors closing from behind.

Now I definitely have no choice but to move forward. Thankfully Charlie understand my worry. He gently grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway.

"Zoom, the star quarterback I was telling you about, lives in a contemporary loft. His place isn't massive, I believe there will be a little over seventy five people at his party so it shouldn't be that difficult to find Reece in the mix." Charlie explains as we get closer and closer to the end of the hallway. A black door with the number 2112 on it is at the far end. The closer we get to the door, the easier it is to hear the bass of whatever party music is playing.

The fact that we're about to walk into Zoom's place doesn't help with my jitters. Zoom is the best football player at Beacon who is rumored to have already been granted scholarships at numerous college football teams. The only reason why he's considered the best is because Cameron and Reece don't play football. If they did, with their strength, they would be the best high school football players in history. 

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