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I smile like a complete goof ball, ignoring all the stares I receive because of it. My focus isn't on the strangers around me; it's on my phone as I read over Bailey's enthusiastic text.

mfsbrxksjdjjhdj no flippin way. HE ASKED U OUT!!!

I can practically feel my best friend's excitement through her message to the point where I feel like squealing like a preteen girl. But instead of making a fool out of myself for the millionth time, I furiously smash my thumbs on the touch screen keyboard of my S5.

Well he said he wanted to meet up with me. Does that count?

I hold onto my phone tightly, not wanting to put it away just yet. Besides, I'm all alone at the moment at a street occupied by many. I refuse to stand awkwardly while I wait.

My phone vibrates in my hand, startling me a bit before I eagerly turn it on to read Bailey's new text.

When is it?

I quickly reply, telling her that it's next saturday since I don't know the exact date of the day. I still have time to debate with Bailey if I'm going on a date or not. Though Bailey's next text confuses me.

...you're definitely going on a date gurl.

How on earth can she be so sure? And I just informed her about it too. I want to ask Bailey about her certainty but I don't want to sound stupid. I don't want to give Bailey another embarrassing story for her to tease me about. She's got enough of those in her pocket.

So I put away my phone and stare of into oblivion, minding my own business as I casually observe the sight across the street from me. I ignore the pedestrians, having seen them all my life, and pay closely attention at the downtown buildings. Being in an older district of the city,
I'm greeted with traditional stone-work architecture that is, in of itself, a form of art. I can only imagine the talent needed to design such beauty.

I wish I possessed that talent.

But I don't so moving on! My eyes scan the windows, skimming past the delicious pastries displayed. I'm too hungry to observe food so I keep glancing over the stores until my eyes spot something rather large.

A calendar.

Of course something like that is boring on a regular basis but the size of it catches my attention. I mean, the calendar takes up the whole display window. How can it not be noticed? It's almost twice the height of me.

But it's not the size of the calendar that takes my breath away.

It isn't today's date either.

Nor is it the date and times that the chef bakes his supposed famous chocolate pudding filled crosaunts though my empty tummy noticed that one first.

What truly catches my attention is the date that Reece asked me to accompany him at Night Stars.

Saturday, February the fourteenth.

Oh sweet-


All my thoughts regarding Reece are put on the back seat when I heard my name. I follow the sound of the voice to find the person whom I arranged to meet today.

And no, it's not Reece so brain, stop making me feel disappointed.

I share the same smile as my new companion. "Avery! Thanks for coming," I welcome, radiating in glee while I'm evilly snickering on the inside.

The adorable fourteen year old nearly jumps up in the air from her excitement. "Let's go eat some escargot!" Avery exclaims giddily, making me giggle.

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