Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The first thing I saw when I woke up was Parker's face. Litterally. I felt myself waking up and opened my eyes only to see a pair of green esmarald eyes right in front of my face. I let out a scream.

"AAAAHHH PARKER WHAT THE HECT?" I screamed while he laughed at me.

"S..Sorry I just always wanted to do that ever since my little sister did that on me." He sputtered out still laughing. I glared at him before realizing I had no idea were I was or how I got here. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What in the world happened? How did I get here? Were am I?" I asked him. He gave me a look.

"You don't remember? You confessed your love for me, and we got married." He told me. I stayed quiet for a couple of minutes waiting for him to shout an "Im just kidding!", but it never happened.

"WHAT? NOOO NOW I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO FALL IN LOVE, BECOME A NINJA, AND MARRY A BRITISH BOY NAMED RAMON!" I screamed tackling him to the ground making me land on top of him. He flipped us over so I was underneith him.

"Calm down Sadie. Im just kidding. Nothing of that happened. The truth is you fainted at the party. I was going to the restroom and saw you falling, so I quickly ran to your side to catch you. In case your wondering we're still at the party just in one of the rooms upstairs. I didn't want to leave you alone with all the boys running around." He explained to me.

I nodded my head at not really listening to him. Captivated by his eyes. They were a dark esmerald green. His eyes lighter and the middle, so light they looked blue. His eyes went perfectly with his floppy brown hair.

Non like my brown curly hair and poop colored brown eyes. For a moment we just stared at eachother neither of us daring to move. Until finally he pulled away and sat on the bed. He ran his finger through his head. I couldn't help but feel sad at the sudden amount of space between us.

"So you know why you fainted? That was pretty scary." He asked me avoiding my eyes.

"Umm...nooo not really. Maybe cause of the heat?" I told him flinching when I heard the lie in my voice. He nodded at me even though he looked unconvinced

"Yeah maybe. Well um Im going to go back downstairs. See you around Sadie girl." He told me and I smilled thinking of the outsiders.

"Yah, see you around."


Okay so me being the stupid person I am told Katie what happened. Boy I really wish I wouldn't have. She first started freaking out over the fact that I fainted, and didn't stop untill I assured her it was.nothing. Though I guess it really was considering that was the first time I faint.

"Oh my gosh you like him!" Katie squealed grinning from ear to ear. I groaned.

"No I don't. Gosh I barely even know him. Iv'e talked to him like twice."

"YOU'VE TALKED TO HIM TWICE?!" She screamed making me a little dizy. The sudden noice hurting my ears.

"Yeah didn't I tell you? I bumped into him like one or two weeks ago." I told her making her glare at me in return. I guess I didn't tell her. She face palmed herself.

"Gosh your soo stupid. Dont you see? This is fate!" She shouted shaking my shoulders. Oh gosh here we go again. Luckily luck was on my side, and my phone started to ring. I picked it up and walked outside of the house to the lawn.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone. Not bothering to check who it was.

"Hey Sadie this is Caleb." Caleb? How did he get my phone number?

"Oh hey Caleb! Whats up?" I asked him. Trying hard to not make my voice sound too cheerful, but me being me failed.

"Oh its just some friends and I are going to go see a movie tommorrow after school. I was just wondering if you wanted to come." I internelly did my happy dance.

"Sure. See you there." I hung up and ran inside the house too tell Katie stopping by at the mirror. Guess what ladies and gentlemen there on my nose was a big fat pimple.FML


Soo yaaay I updated. Did anyone think Parker was going to catch her? Anyway I would like to give a big thanks to @kathlynSPT for always commenting and voting. It really means a lot. Everyone stop what your doing and go read her book The Last Dance its REALLY GOOD.

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Parker or Caleb and why?

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Life Goes On( DON'T READ THIS COPY!!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora