Heeeyy I'm Alive

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Dear people reading this,

So ummm hey. I'm not really sure if anyone is still reading this but if you are THANK YOU! Anyways, I've been thinking about taking the book down for a while and rewriting all the chapters. Most of the story will remain the same, but it needs some major editing. I really don't like the way some of the words are worded, and I'm 100% sure that I can rewrite the story better. I first started this book around 5th grade. I was a little kid, I didn't know what I was writing. Therefore, my writing was very childish. If there are some of you guys that like the childish parts, don't worry Sadie is a very childish character therefore there will be childish parts in the story. I'm in high school now, so my writing has become better and more mature. I might leave this book here, and post the rewritten version in a different book. If I do rewrite the story I will start posting the chapters during winter break, after finals. I'm not really sure, but your opinion really matters a lot. Please comment and tell me what you think. Anyways, that was the reason why I haven't been posting chapters for the book. Not to mention that I'm very busy with school, and almost always grounded.(I'm currently grounded right now). Another reason, was that I forgot my Wattpad password and couldn't log in(stupid me). Please comment what you think.



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