Chapter 4

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Everyone in the room stared at her. For some really weird reason I felt like I knew her. She seemed almost familiar?

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Evan asked her with an embarrassed look on his face. Wait, mom? I looked at them to see that that Evan was basiclly the boy version of his mom. The only difference being he had brown eyes and his mom blue.

"What do you mean what am I doing here?!" She asked, well more like screamed."Young man you are in soo much trouble! I specificlly told you not to use the car because something was wrong with it! And what did you do Evan?! What did you do?!"

"Mom I-"

"What did you do?!"

" I....I used the car anyway." He muttered under his breath.

"What else?" She asked with a stern look on her face.

"I set a house on fire! I didn't know the car was going to explode! The car was working perfectly, and then boom! It was on fire. We freaked out okay. We saw the fire and jumped out of the car. The car kept going and crashed into their house. I swear I didn't mean to put your house on fire" he said directing the last part to us.

"Its okay I understand. Though you do have to realize the house is going to take at least 2 years to repair." My dad told him.

"Sir I think we should go talk about this outside." The sheriff told my dad. My dad nodded and started following him outside.

"Emma honey, lets go." He told Evans mom snapping her out of her thoughts. She gave me one last strange look before following them outside. With them gone it was only Evan, Caleb, and I left in the small room.

"Sooo do you guys want to like grab a pizza after know because Im kind of hungry." They both gave me strange looks. I guess they would considering the situation were in. As if on cue my stomach growled loudly.

"Told you I was hungry." I said pointing to my stomach. They both laughed. The door opened to reveal my dad, Emma, and Jason(Jason is Evans dad, and head cheif. Just in case you forgot) laughing together like they were best friends.Okay, thats totally not weird at all. My dad looked over at Caleb and Evan.

"Well boys, Im not going to press charges." My dad started. A look of relief passed both of their faces."But, you two are going to be cleaning my car for a year."

"A YEAR!" Evan shouted. My father raised an eyebrow at him.

"I could always make it two."

"A year is good! Really good!.....Sir." I looked over at my dad realizing we had no place to sleep.

"Dad, were are we going to stay? When are you going to buy a new house." I asked him.

"Honey, about that. Im not going to be buying a new house."

"WHAT! But you said it yourself. Our house is going to take at least 2 years to repair! Were are we going to live?!" I shouted. For the first time in my life I was actually serious.

"About that we are going to be staying with Emma and Jason until our house is repaired. Its better for you and Larissa. With me being on buisness trips, and now that Larissa's pregnant i-

"LARISSA'S PREGNANT?" I screamed shivering at the thought of that thing having a baby.

"Yes she's pregnant. Catch up. Anyway, as I was saying its's better for her to be in a house full of people than just you and her." My dad told me. Well I gets its official.


"Your kidding right?" I asked Emma with wide eyes.

"Nope the room is all yours"She said smiling at me.

"Wow thanks for letting us stay here Emma." I told her.

"No problem, it's the least I could do. Well Im going to leave you get settled." She told me leaving the room. I turned my attention back to my room. It was huge. Haha thats what she said. Anyway, my room was probally the size of 3 normal rooms combined. The walls were painted a light purple color.

I was surprised when I saw Evan's house it was huge. Haha Im on a roll. Get it. No? Ok. Larissa had no problem with the whole fire on house incident. She was extremely happy when she saw the house we were staying at.*cough* *cough* gold digger.


Its now been 3 days since I moved in with Evan and his family. I really liked Emma. She was nice and always had this motherly aroma around her. Her husband Jason was hilarious. I loved how much he teased Evan. Honesly they were like the perfect family. Not to mention Emma was 5 months pregnant.

"No fair! You cheated!" I told Caleb pouting. Caleb, Evan, and I were currently in a very intence game of Monopoly. Caleb seemed to be winning EVERY round. Like seriously how can someone win so many rounds?

"Im not cheating. Your just really bad at this game." He said sticking his tongue out at me. I fake glared at him and stuck my tongue out too.

"Okay children. Enough of the tongues. Leave all the tongue sticking to Miley Cyrus." Evan said cutting in. I laughed at him, and smilled because I knew this year was going to be the best


Yaaaaay chapter 4. Thanks to everyone who commented and voted on the last chapter I LOVE YOU. Please vote, comment, and share. Anyway what did you think of this chapter.

What do you think of Evan?

What do you think if Caleb?

Random question of the day:

Whats your favorite type of cookie?



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