Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Sadie don't do it." I looked at Katie she was over reacting. All I'm about to do is be a little weird. I ignored what she said and looked at the my new victim. He was making out with a girl who I really hope is his girlfriend . I quickly put on my angry face and walked over to him.

"YOU! HOW IN THE WORLD COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" I screamed at him. Fake tears falling on my face.

"What are you-"

"It was bad enough you cheated on me with that slut! I cant believe you! Why would you do this to me?! You heartless monster! How could you cheat on me again?! AND WITH HER?!" I screamed slapping him in the face. I quickly ran away and hid behind the car. I waited a couple seconds before going back to them. I saw him arguing with the girl. I went and stood infront of both of them.

"Actinggggg. So guys I was just acting. Girl he never really cheated on you. I dont even know him. And you boy sorry for slapping you. Actually no that was kind of fun. Anyway please fill out this form about how great my acting was and bury it in the sand. BYE DONT GET PREGNANT OR I'LL SLAP YOU WITH A PIECE OF BALONY" I screamed running toward my car. I jumped in he car and slammed the door.

"DRIVE KATIE! DRIVE!"In case your wondering what's going on. I made a new bucket list. Im video taping everything I do. Katie thinks Im doing it for fun. If only she knew...... I crossed out the first one on my list and looked at number 2. Cry over pet rock at the mall.

"So katie did you get it on tape?" I asked her.

"Yup. Were to now?"

"The mall." I told her feeling excited. We drove in silence until Katie spoke up.

"Hey wasn't yesterday Evan's birthday? You know. Since Emma's daughter and Evan are twins doesn't that make yesterday his 18 birthday too?" She asked me with a curious look.

"Yeah, I wonder why he didn't say anything. Maybe he just doesn't like celebrating his birthday since his sister who he shares it with is gone." Katie nodded, but I could tell she was still curious. That girl never puts her brain to rest. Her brain is going to explode one of these days.

Finally we got to the mall. Just like usual it was crowded. I entered the mall and headed to a random store. I sat outside of the store and started to fake cry. Everyone passed me totally ignoring the fact that there was a crying girl. Rude much. I felt someone shaking my shoulders lightly so I looked up.

"Sadie? Sadie are you okay? Why are you crying?" I looked up to see Caleb.

"My...My pet rock died! He was such a great pet. You should of met him! He was a great doctor! He could cure the disease of stupidness! He never got the chance to cure me. YOU WILL FOREVER BE LOVED PABLO! FOREVER!" I screamed "sobbing" into his chest. He gave me a weird look, but tried to comfort me anyway.

"Umm okay I'm sorry for your loss?" He told me, well more like asked. For a moment we just stared at each other me getting lost in his eyes. We snapped out of our gaze when someone called for Caleb.

"Caleb I got your donut." I turned around to find a girl about our age. She was tall with blue eyes and purple hair.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She asked me after seeing my tear stained face. She looked really sincere.

"Um yeah. No offence but who are you?" I asked her feeling guilty when my voice came out rude. She smilled at me and looked at Caleb with a loving smile.

"Im Rachel nice to meet you. Im Caleb's girlfriend." She said putting her hand out to shake. Girlfriend? I thought he was single. I looked at Caleb to see him smilling at her with the same loving expression

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