Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Unknown P.O.V(Sike, everyone is most likely going to figure out who this "unknown person is, in like the next chapter.)

I look at the sleeping baby in my arms, and can't help but notice how peaceful she looks. She's just a baby. She doesn't have anything to worry about.

I watch as a drop of water falls on her cheeks. Not rain, but my tears. When did I start to cry? I wipe my tear from her face. There is no noise around me. The only sound heard is the soft breathing of my little baby girl.

"Choo,"the baby sneezes in her sleep. I laugh through my tears. That was cute. Who knew sneezing could be so cute?

"I hope you can forgive me one day," I whisper to her. I wipe my own tears, and place her in the small basket laying on the floor. I take a deep breath. I have to do this. Its for her own good. I take off my golden necklace and place it in my babies hands. I lean down and give her a light kiss on her forehead. The next thing I know, the baby is opening her light brown eyes. She stares at me, almost as if pleading me not to leave her. The more I look at her, the more tempted I am to pick her up and get the hell out, to abandon this ridiculous plan of mine, and to just go home. Home. I don't even know if i still have a home. I shake my head, that's not something I should be thinking about at the moment.

I ring the doorbell and quickly move to hide behind a bush. The door opens, and I watch as two ladies come outside, one with blonde hair, and the other with dark hair. They look around and notice the baby on the floor, the blonde lady picks her up. I watch as they talked frantically to one another.

I watched as two ladies dressed in white and black dresses picked her up and brought her inside the orphanage. The baby opened her eyes and stared at me. Almost as if pleading me not to leave her. I quickly tore my eyes away from her ignoring the pain in my heart, and ran to my car so I wouldn't be tempted to turn back.

I looked at the key-shaped neckllace around my neck and closed my eyes remembering how the baby had the other half. Together it formed a heart. Right there inside the car I started crying. I cried for abandoning my daughter, I cried because I missed her, but I mostly cried because my life was about to change dramaticlly. I started the car and disappeared from my daughters life.

17 years later

Sadie P.O.V

I hugged my dad and told myself I wasn't going to cry. I mean it's not even that big of a deal. 1 week. He is just going to be gone for 1 week. I know what your probally thinking. Your probally 'Oh my gosh she's making such a big deal. He's only going to be gone for one week. She's acting like he's going to be attacked by vicious aliens.'You see my dad leaving is only a small part of why im going to cry. In a way I'm sort of used to it. The real reason is because he's leaving me with my own vicious alien.She also goes by the name (drumroll please) stepmother. I shivered, I feared that name was going to haunt me for life.

I swear she is the most annoying person on the planet (rather than me of course). Whenever my dad is around she's all like " Oh Carlos the food taste sooo delicious. Thank you sooo much for making it." And of course leave it to my dad to respond " Anything for you love." Then they would start making these disgusting and intense googily eyes at each other, and I'm just so tempted to wave my hands in their faces and exclaim, " Hello... remember me.... your daughter! " So now you heard how she acts when my dad is around.

Whenever he isn't around, it's like her inner "beauty" comes out. I'd just be sitting at the table eating my dinner, enjoying the peace and quiet wishing it could be like that everyday, when she would barge into the room, and start saying stuff like "Eww how can you eat that! Do you not know how many carbs are in that?" Sometimes when she's feeling really creative she'll say something like this "If you keep eating like that your going to turn fat. Your dad is raising a teenage girl not a hippo."

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