Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I awoke from my dream when I heard a crash coming from downstairs. Maybe my dad was home? Curiousity took over me, so I looked outside my window.OH MY GOSH! MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE! I quickly ran to the room that Larissa and my dad shared. Without knocking I entered the room.

"LARISSA WAKE UP! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE ITS FIRE. COME OOONNN!"I screamed shaking her. Your probably thinking why is she helping her? Well as much as I don't like her. I would never let anyone die if I could save them. Plus my dad will kill me.

"What? Go to sleep Sadie." She whinned sleepily.

"BUT THE HOUSE IS ONE FIRE! Come on. If you die my dad will kill me."I said dragging her out of bed. She looked ready to protest but that look quickly went away when there was a big explosion sound coming from downstairs. We ran the stairs to see that half of the house was already on fire. Which meant that the front door was bkocked.

"Back door come on." Larissa said. Now her dragging me. Wow. Who knew she could have smart thoughts? We both were out of the house when I remembered my neclace.

I quickly ran back into the house. I could feel the heat on my skin, but kept going deeper into the house. Once I reached my room I quickly grabbed the key-shaped neclace on my bed. I ran down the stairs until I reached the backdoor only to see that it was now on fire too.

Great im trapped. I caughed since the scent of ash was starting to get heavy. I ran through the door and starting rolling around in the grass to get the fire off me. I finally stood up and saw that larissa was on the phone with someone.

"Oh Carlos it was horrible. I told her not to cook, but she didn't listen to me.Then the house got on fire since she put a napkin in the flame."She told my dad through the phone. Was she talking about me? That's little liar. Like really, who puts a napkin in a flame?She could of at least come up with a better lie.

"Carlos maybe you should send her off somewere. Maybe military camp?" She said, saying the last part with a hopeful look. OH MY GOSH, your kidding me. I felt happy when a look of sadness went across ber face. YES! My dad said no.

I heard sirens maning the police and firefighters were arriving. Wow a little too late dont you think? Apparently they weren't the only ones arriving. I watched as my dad pulled up on the curve.

My dad comes out of the car and starts to yell at me.


"DAD I SWEAR THIS TIME IT WASN'T ME!" I screamed back angry. I mean I'm stupid, but not THAT stupid. Why would I want to burn up my own house then Id be a hobo.Though hobo's are kinda cool......

"OH THEN WHO WAS IT?! YOUR IMAGINARY FRIEND PEPE! FOR THE LAST TIME HE"S NOT REAL!" I don't know what got into me, but the next thing I knew I was on the floor laughing.

I stopped laughing when I felt two pairs of hands dragging me to the ambulance.

"HEY! LET GO OF ME!" The two paramedics stopped when my dad spoke to them.

" Let go of my daughter. Why are you taking her to the ambulance? She's not hurt." My father demands. They let go of me and I quickly stand next to my father.

" Sir were taking her to the hospital to get checked. Im afraid the ash might of somehow affected your daughters mental state." The paramedics tell my father. My fathers face turned furious once he realized what they were trying to say.

So after two hours of being in the hospital, the doctors realized that I wasn't crazy. Just plain wierd. Now I am currently sitting in the police station, with my father, waiting for someone to tell us what happened. A couple of minutes passed before the door opened, and the head chief walked into the room with two boys behind him. My jaw dropped once I saw who they were. What were Evan and Caleb doing here?

"Hi Im head chief Jason Gonzalez. This is my son Evan Gonzalez and his best friend Caleb. Unfortunaly these two boys are the reason your house was on fire." He told us shaking his head in dissapointment. I looked over at Caleb feeling hurt. Over the past month we had become good friends. He had stayed after school with me in detention that day I got in trouble with Mr.Jones. My dad looked over at both boys and spoke"Well wich one of you is going to explain?" Caleb looked ready to speak, but was interrupted by a women barging into the room.


Hey guys if anyone is actually reading this I want to apologize for the late updated. I was sick for a week, and then was a little busy. I know the chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be longer. Anyway I want to thank all the commenters and readers it means a lot to me. This chapter is dedicated to @StonerGirl for being awesome. Go check out her books people. Like seriously there better than a piece of cake. Vote and comment please tell me what you think. Share the book and be my best friend?.

Random question of the day:

Team coke or pepsi?



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