Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Psst Sadie. Pstt. Wake up. Sadie he's walking your way. Wake up." I heard someone whispering to me. I laughed that voice sounded a lot like Katie. I slowly woke up from my sleep, and turned to glare at the person who dared to wake me up. Boy I wish I wouldn't have.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH MR.JONES WHAT THE POOH?! YOU DONT JUST PUT YOUR FACE IN FRONT OF SOMEONE ELSES FACE.! AT LEAST SHAVE YOUR NOSE HAIR!" I screamed at him feeling scared out of my mind. Didn't his parents ever teach him not to wake people up like that? He should at least be considerate and shave his nose hairs that are full of boogers. Did you know he eats them too?!

"Well you shouldn't have fallen a sleep during my class! How dare you disrespect me?! To the principals office!" He shouted at me his face turning red. I laughed imagining smoke coming out of his ears. Like in Tom and Jerry. Haha get it?

"Oh so you think this is funny?! Get out of my classroom! To the principals office! Now!" He shouted at me pointing his big fat harry finger in my face. Doesn't he ever get tired of saying that.

"Mr. Jones are you on your man period? Because I think my stepmom has some pads you can borrow. Or you could just get some tampons from your mom." I told him smirking. I know Im pushing it, but come on I hate this dude.

"TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" He screamed at me shaking in anger. I laughed.

"I cant he's not here today. He's on vacation." I told him in a calm bored tone.

"THEN GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!" I picked up my notebook and put it in my backpack. Silently proud over the fact that I was one of the few girls who still used a backpack. I started walking out of the classroom but stopped at the door.

"BYE KATIE! DONT DO DRUGS OR TALK TO GUYS WHO LOOK LIKE RAPIST!" With that being said I walked into the hallway. I was walking to the restroom when I heard people whispering to each other. Me being the curious person I am put my ear on the door.

"I love you" The awfully familiar male voice whispered.

"I love you too." The girl whispered. Hmm they sounded familiar. Be being the stupid person I am opened the door.

"Aaaahh my eyes!" I screamed covering my poor eyes. Closing them for dear life.

"You could open them now." I turned to Caleb and Rachel wondering what she was doing at this school. Last time I checked she was home schooled.

"Oh ummm. Sorry you had to see that." Caleb said apologizing. Yeah me too. How would you feel if you watched the person you like making out with someone? Not very happy.

"Soo um Sadie you already know Rachel my girlfriend. She just moved here to the school today. Isn't it great?" He said in an exicted voice. Smilling at Rachel with a loving expresseion. Yeah just great. Horray Im so exicted Im going to throw a party and invite Rachel......then throw her off my roof. I thought bitterly.

"Umm I have to go bye!" I said running towards the hall again.

To my luck I ran into someone. I felt myself falling to the ground and closed my eyes waiting for the impact. You know how in books the guy always catches the girl so she wont fall? Sadly this wasn't my case. I groaned in pain as I landed on the floor. I think my butt just broke.

"Ouch. Dude watch were your going." I told the random dude hissing. Totally forgetting that I ran into him.

"Im sorry,but you sort of ran into me." I looked up at him and almost fainted. He is gorgous! Waaaay cuter than Caleb! Funny I met Caleb almost the same way as this mystery dude. I saw he had his hand stretched out so I took it and let him pull me to my feet.

"Sorry for screaming at you Im Sadie." I told him with my hand stretched out. I gave him the biggest smile I could make.

"Parker , and it's okay. It was sort of funny. Anyway arn't you suppose to be in class." He asked me raising his eyebrow.

"Arn't you?"

"Nope Im excused. Just moved to the school today. Im new." Hmm 2 new students today. The witch and the hottie. Coincidence?

"Well I got to go. See you around Sadie." He said flashing me one last smile, and I couldn't help but smile back.


"Please Sadie. I'll be your best friend and love you forever." I looked at Evan. He' been asking me the whole day to go hiking with him. I just really didn't want to go. I hate hiking, and running, and walking.

"I already have a best friend, and no thanks." I turned to him to see him with puppy eyes. Nooo.

"Fine lets go. Just let me get changed." I changed my clothes and before I knew it I was on the top of a mountain. I looked at the city and enjoyed the view.

I sat down on the rock thinking about how much my life has changed.

I finally like someone, but he has a girlfriend. I got cancer and could die at any moment. Last but not least. Im looking for my mom. My real mom. I haven't opened the letter yet. Im afraid of what might be in there. Im just not ready to know yet. I looked over at Evan remembering why I agreed in the first place.

"Hey Evan, can I ask you something?" I asked him hearing the nervousness in my voice.


"Why didn't you celebrate your birthday?" I asked him. Though I think I already knew the answer. A look of sadness flashed his eyes, but was quicky replaced with a serious one.

"I guess I just dont like cebrating my birthday since the person Im suppose to share it with isn't there." He said turning his head away. I nodded and pulled out the present I had bought for him in the mall.

"I know you dont like celebrating and all but I got you a present." I told said handing over the present.

He smiled and opened it,laughing when he saw the shirt I bought for him. It was a picture of me sticking my tongue out. Under it it read Better watch out Miley. His eyes opened wide when he saw what was under it. It was this new videogame I heard he wanted.

"Thanks sadie I love it. It really means a lot. Thanks." He exclaimed hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back. He suddently pulled away and looked at me with soft eyes.

"Sadie, would you like to be my ungenetic sister?"

"I'd love too. Ive always wanted a brother." With that being said we walked down the mountain and I couldn't help but sing.

"Follow the yellow brick road. Cause were off to see the wizar- ahh" I laughed as I fell to the ground.


Soo what did you think please comment and vote. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO VOTED AND COMMENTED ON THE LAST CHAPTER!

What do you think of Parker?


Strawberry, choclate, or vanilla?

Please check out my book Golden Tears if you haven't already.

25 votes and comments for next chapter.

I realized I use too much dialouge, so Im not going to use it as much. See you next chapter.

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