Chapter 20

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A/N Just in case you forgot Larissa is Sadies father new Wife, and Emma and Larissa are pregnant. I kinda wrote this chapter in a way to bring all the past events back in case you forgot about them because I know I did. I had to retread my whole book. Also check out the A/N at the end.
Chapter 20

After the talk with Parker I decided that I was going to talk about my condition with my dad. Parker had promised me not to tell anyone, so that I was glad about. Lately, I have been getting more sleepier and I have started to lose weight. Im pretty sure my dad noticed because during dinner he would always ask me if I wanted more food. Not to mention he's been basically implying that i'm anorexic. Well, he was about to find out that I was losing weight for another reason.

I stared at the door to my dad's bedroom debating with myself if I was really going to do this. I mean if there was a perfect time to do it, it would be now since him and I are the only ones in the house. Emma and Jason are working, Larissa was a friends house, and Evan was at Calebs house. It was just my father and I here. I paced outside the entrance to my fathers bedroom before I finally went inside. I walked in the room only to see him sleeping. Very slowly I walked closer to him to see that he was hugging a picture of my mom and me.

I felt my eyes tear up at the sight. I could see small tear stains under his eyes. My dad may have found a new love, but the memory of my mom will remain with him forever. I don't like Larrissa for many reasons, but there is one main reason I hate her. Maybe if this reason didn't exist there would be a chance of me liking her, but sadly it does. Ever since Larissa met my dad she has been trying to force him to forget about my mom. I mean he should but not forget her entirely.

When Larissa first moved in the house she got rid of all the photos of my mom. Which I took from her, so she wouldn't throw them away. My mom might have not been the best mom, but she still was my mom. That's why I hate her so much. I looked at my dad one more time before walking out of the room. I guess I wasn't going to tell him today. I let out a sigh of relief before going up to my room to sleep.


"Sadie give it back! Tell me where you hid it!" Evan screamed at me as I laughed my butt off. You see I couldn't find my phone charger so I went into Evans's room to get his charger. While I was looking for it I found a diary. To be more specific Evans Diary. I laughed my butt off when I read his thoughts on Katie. Seems like someone has a crush. Me being the evil genius I am hid it to use against him, and we'll Evan found out that I have it, and isn't exactly happiest.

"Hahah fine. I'll get you the diary just wait here," I said before walking upstairs.

I walked into my room going straight to the desk next to my bed. I opened the right drawer expecting to see Evan's diary not a letter. I picked up the letter wondering what it was doing there. Is this even mine? I thought to myself. It took me a while to realise that the letter was in fact mine. I had totally forgotten that I even had it. This was the letter that the two ladies at the orphanage had given me when I went to get information about my birth mom. I felt my hands tremble as I held the letter. My birth mom had written this to me.

What was I going to find in the letter? About how it's my fault she left me? Or maybe she blames herself? I went to open the letter, but stopped as the door to my room opened.

"Sadie what is taking you so long?! Wait, what is that?" Evan asked as he saw the letter in my hand.

"Nothing," I said quickly before putting the letter back in the drawer. Reminding myself to read it later on. I opened the left drawer and handed Evan's diary back to him.

"Come on, let's go buy food Im starving," I said walking out of my room at to his car. In case your wondering. Emma did buy Evan another car after he set my house on fire with his old car. Yeah Evan might be a little spoiled. We were on our way to McDonalds when Evan's phone started ringing. Evan went to grab his phone but I grabbed it before he could. I wasn't about to die today.

"Hello! It's me Sadie the girl who is so much better than you!" I said answering the phone. I could see Evan rolling his eyes from the corner of my eye. Whatever he's just jealous.

"Sadie, is Evan there?" Jason, Evan's dad asked.

"Yes, but he's driving so tell me," I told Jason.

"You guys need to get to the hospital right now," he told me. There was only one hospital here, so I knew which one he was talking about.

"Okay, WAIT? Why do we have to go to the hospital? IS EVERYONE OKAY?!" I screamed into the phone. What if something was wrong with my dad, or Emma. Who cares about Larissa she accused me of setting my house on fire, and told my father to send me to an army camp. Even after I saved her life! Okay,maybe I care about her a little bit, but mostly because of the baby in her stomach!

" Everyone is okay. Just hurry and come to the hospital. Emma's having her baby, and she wants to talk with you guys before she gives birth," Jason told me.

"EMMA IS WHAT?! SHE'S ONLY SEVEN MONTHS!" I screamed into the phone making Evan look at me with a worried expression. Emma couldn't be having the baby. She's only seven months.

"Look I have to go be safe," Jason said hanging up. I started at the phone. Did someone just hang up on me?

"Sadie what happened?! Is my mom alright?!" Evan asked me with a worried glance.

"Start driving to the hospital. Your mom is having a baby!" I said worried for the early birth, but happy that the baby was going to be born. No one knew if it was going to be a girl or boy. Emma wanted it to be a surprise. I expected Evan to be happy not worried.

"Evan are you okay? Don't be worried I know the baby is three months early but the baby will be aright,"I told him with a comforting smile.

"That's not the reason I'm worried," Evan said letting out a word sigh.

"Then why are you worried?" I asked confused. He looked like he didn't want to tell me, but then decided against it.

"Look Sadie, what I'm going to tell you. You can't ever repeat. This is a very emotional subject in my family," he said as I nodded at him to continue.

"When my mom was younger she had cancer, and she gave birth to my sister and I while she had cancer. My mom almost died in childbirth. The doctor said that my mom would never be able to have kids after that. That is why we were all so surprised when we found out that she was pregnant. Even though my mom no longer has cancer she is still very week, and having this baby can kill her," Evan said his voice breaking at the end.

I sat there in shock not knowing what to say. Emma had cancer? She knows how I feel like. I felt my eyes tear up at the fact that Emma and her baby might die. Over the past two months she had become like a motherly figure to me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to Evan under my breath.

"Don't be. Come one let's go inside we're here." Evan said parking the car. I opened the door of the car hoping that Emma and her baby are okay.
I hoped you like the chapter! I updated faster than last time, and will be uodating more frequently. Please vote and comment. Also check out my best friends book An Enchanted Tale by DaiayValdivia.

Also im now making books covers! Check out the book for more information it's on my profile.

Also I have another book Im going to write once Im done with Life Goes On. Its going to be called Guitar Boy and Me.

School? Or being at your house for 2 weeks?

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