Chapter 2

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It's been a week since the whole computer on fire incident. No one made a big deal since me lighting something on fire it's something that happen regularly. My dad wasn't exactly happy about the fact that he had to pay for the computer, but he didn't ground me. In fact, my dad never grounds me. I don't really think he knows now... Anyways back to reality.

I stare at the clock. There's exactly one minute left before the bell rings. I smile to myself, and do something that I've always wanted to do. I stand up quickly, push me chair to the ground and sing," WHAT TIME IS IT?"

"SUMMERTIME!" some random kid sings back, also standing up. Next thing I know all of the students are singing and dancing around the classroom.

"WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER ONCE WE KNOW THAT WE ARE, WE'RE ALL STARS AND WE SEE THAT!" You see that how I imagined things would happen. This is what really happened.

I stood up quickly, push my chair to the ground and sang," WHAT TIME IS IT?"

"Um 10:25." the kid next to me said quietly.

"MISS EDWARDS please sit down you look like an idiot." Mrs. Fernandez scolded me.

The bell rang and everybody took off to lunch. Whatever she was just jealous of my voice. I got my lunch and sat next to Katie. "What's up girl!" she greeted me.

"Oh nothing, just planning on to rape your little brother." I told her like it was nothing.

"HA HA HA! Wait... what did you say?" She said seriously. I looked at her face expression and laughed.

"HA HA your face! So priceless. Dude I was just kidding!"

"Yeah, but with you, you never know." She said smiling again. I turned my attention back to my pizza slice. I opened my mouth to take a bite, but stopped when I felt pain in the back of my head. I put my pizza down, and closed my eyes. The pain wasn't unbearable. But it hurt a lot. This was the 5th time it happens this month. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a voice.

"Sadie are you okay?" Katie asked me looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking."I said calmly."OH MY GOSH! I just remembered I have to finish my science test. See you 7th period." I said lying to her. I quickly rushed out of the cafeteria, but was forced to stop when I bumped into someone.

"OH MY GOSH! I am sooo sorry" I said, apologizing to whoever I had bumped into. I heard a laugh and looked up. There was a tall boy with pitch black hair, and the most beautiful shade of blue eyes I've ever seen. He wore a pair of black glasses which gave him a cute nerd look.

"No, it's my fault. I wasn't looking were I was walking."He gave me a small smile and left. I just shrugged and walked out of the cafeteria, and towards my 5th period class.

I entered the classroom and immediately noticed someone in the back that I swear has never been there before. I walked towards the guy I had bumped into earlier and asked the question on my mind.

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around"

"Actually I've been coming to this school since the beginning of freshmen year."He said giving me an amused look. I suddenly felt bad. He's been in my class for one semester and half of the second, and I never noticed him.

"Don't feel bad if you haven't noticed me before. I don't really talk to a lot of people. Just mostly stick to Evan and the gang." Is he psychic or something?

"I'm not psychic. I'm just so awesome that everyone's thoughts come flying to me."He said laughing. I blushed; of course I would save that out loud.

"I'm Caleb" he said holding his hand out.

"Sadie" I said said shaking it. The bell rang so I quickly went to my seat.

"Okay class take only a pencil out. You're going to be taking your grammar test today." Mr. Jones said passing around the test."You have the whole period to finish it. Go ahead and start."

I took my pencil out and started working on the test. I finished it about halfway through the period. Do you ever get that feeling that someone is watching you? Not in the creepy stalker way though, because that exactly how I feel right now. I looked around to catch one of Caleb's friends looking at me. I think his name is Evan.

I started to feel uncomfortable since he was looking at me with a weird expression on his face. Almost like he knew me or something. A few more minutes passed and he was still looking at me, so I did the only thing left to do.

"DUDE IS THERE SOMETHING ON MY FACE BECAUSE YOU KEEP STARING AT ME. IT'S ACTUALLY KIND OF CREEPY!" I said yelling across the classroom. Immediately everyone turned to look at me.

"Ms. Edwards DETENTION! How many times do I have to tell you not to talk during a test?" Mr. Jones screamed angrily.

"Um.....I don't know five?"Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because if possible he turned even angrier.


"Oh Sadie what did you do this time?" The secretary Molly asked me as I entered the office. I looked at her and smiled.

"WHAT!? ME!? I'm incapable of doing something bad. Plus how did you know I got in trouble. I could be here for a perfect attendance award. The world may never know." I told her sarcastically. She rubbed her imaginary beard.

"Well" She said stretching the L. "I know for a fact you're not here for a perfect attendance award considering you ditched school last week because they were having a 2 for 1$ pie sell at Wal-Mart. Plus your teacher just called to make sure you got here." I laughed and entered the principal's office without knocking.

"Hi Uncle Max." I said smiling innocently at him. He fake glared at me.

"Sadie, at school I'm principle Lowen." He said crossing his arms.

"Okay Uncle Max."


"Yes, Uncle Max." He rolled his eyes finally giving in.

"So Sadie do you know why you're in here." He asked me.

"Yes, Mr. Jones was overreacting and gave me detention. Seriously that was the first time I ever talk in his class."He gave me an are you serious look.

"Sadie you're in here at least 3 times a week for that exact reason. I'm going to call Mr. Jones in and you're going to apologize." He told me. He called Mr. Jones and a few minutes later he came in.

"Sadie, do you have anything to say to Mr. Jones." My uncle asked me. I turned to Mr. Jones to see he had a smirk on his face. Stupid, old, fat guy.

"Yes, yes I do actually. Mr. Jones YOU HAVE A BIG NOSE!"


Thanks to CrystalDove, BalletDancer20, ForeverCeline, Outspok3n taboo, DivergentPanckes, and the angel of music27 for commenting. Another big thanks to forever-yours-truly, BalletDancer20, and the angel of music27 for adding my book on your reading list.

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