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 We got off the elevator and headed to where all the other members were at. Jungkook kept staring me the entire time as were walking, not in a creepy though. From the corner of my eye I could tell he was very happy. "Why do keep staring at me?" I said blushing.

"Because I can't believe you're mine," he said while I suddenly looked at him. I really don't know how to depict what I'm feeling right now. It's a feeling I never felt before, it was a nice feeling.

"Yah! Hajima, you're making me—" I said as I was stopped by his comment. I felt if I was going to continue to be his girlfriend I'd get a heart problem in the future because my heart was beating a thousand bpm.

"You're adorable," he said and then kissed me on the lips. It was a very unexpected kiss but, I still liked it. Being with him was like an adventure, you don't know what to expect. This is the first time I truly feel happy and when I didn't let my past get in the way of my feeling for him. I felt that I could trust him and that he wouldn't do anything that brought harm to me.

"Jungkookie-ah isn't a baby anymore," I heard Jin's voice say. I felt slightly embarrassed from the amount of PDA we showed, but Jungkook on the other hand was proud of it.

"Hee-young-ah this is the first time in a while I've seen you truly happy," Jimin said running towards me to give me a hug. It felt nice for him to be happy for me even when he wanted to be the one in Jungkook's shoes. I really appreciated him, but I don't think Jungkook did.

"Jimin-shi!" Jungkook said looking at him with his most serious eyes. I was scared where he was going with his sentence. Jimin pulled out of our hug and all the members looked at him scared what his reaction was going to be.

"Ye?" Jimin said slightly scared. I was about to intervene just in case Jungkook was going to do something he would later regret because I was going to teach a lesson. But he said something everyone didn't expect.

"What about me?! You don't think I'm happy?" he said teasingly and all the members laughed at his response. I felt like he was a better person now. I don't know if it was because he had someone now but whatever it was it made me feel good.

"Yah! I thought Jungkook was going to punch him," Jin said laughing.

"You scared me Jungkookie-ah," RM said teasingly.

"You really changed Jungkook," Suga said clapping hands.

"Ahhhhh I was scared for Jimin," J-hope said stressing out and ended up laughing.

Everyone responded except Taehyung, he just stood quiet. I don't know if it this is because Jungkook was now my official boyfriend or something but whatever the reason was I didn't feel bad for him. I know I should, I know I should move past the fact he lied because I would be a hypocrite if I didn't considering the things Jungkook and Jimin have done. My heart just told me to ignore him while my mind wanted to apologise and clear things up. He was the reason I couldn't trust guys anymore he was the reason I didn't feel safe for most my life, he was the reason for my insecurities.

"Hee-young-ah, can we talk?" Tae said, finally stepping in. I didn't know whether to go with him and 'talk things out' or to ignore him. If I ignored him things would be awkward with the rest of the band whenever I would get invited to their meetings and dinners. But before I could answer his question Jungkook stepped in with his fist gripped tightly. I wrapped my arms around his hard muscular arms while calming him. I could see that he held back with just looking at me as he knew it would upset me.

"Sure Tae," I said looking at him with more confidence than before. The members were just whispering to each other and spreading out space for Tae to come to me. "I'll meet up with you at the car," I said giving him a reassuring smile. He gave me kiss on the cheek and left with the members but before he could leave me and Tae together alone he made his last comment. only escape.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now