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 I was required to attend to their dance rehearsals but I didn't mind considering I didn't have anything special to do. I stood on the big stage of Seoul while they were getting their outfits and make-up done. I felt like very small but very big in the same time standing here. There were so many seats and space around me and I could imagine all of them cheering my name. I limped forward to one of the microphone stands which were turned off. I was always scared of singing in front of big crowds of people but since there was no one here I let my voice out. I grabbed one of the guitars from the side of the stage and started singing 'Fine by: TAEYEON'. It was a personal favourite of mine and it matched my voice the most. I was so embedded with the song I felt myself transported somewhere beautiful in the world while closing my eyes. My soul left my body from every existing pain and flowed freely. When I finished the final verse of the song I heard clapping in the background and realised it was all the boys. I was so embarrassed with myself that I ran away to hide in one of the chairs. But when I 'ran' I basically hopped making a lot sounds which revealed where I was hiding at but still I covered my face.

"Hee-young-ah, you were amazing!" I hear Jimin say running to me. I was never confident in my voice and I never trusted it to be 'amazing'. Another hobby I enjoyed was dancing. Before me and Jimin danced a lot together doing ballet and some hip-hop.

"But can you dance," Jungkook said and started busting some moves when music started playing. Jimin then gave me a piggy back ride back to the stage because my injury was still hurting. I got off of Jimin's back and then stole his solo performance and made it to mine. Then all of a sudden the rest of the members were cheering for me instead of him. I started to form a big smile on my face because I've never been complimented this much. But suddenly my left leg stopped working because of the amount of pain I had to endure just to dance, but I was having so much fun. Jungkook caught me in his arms before I could fall to the floor. One of the members pulled out crutches.

"Thought you would be needing this," a tall guy said. He had an egg shaped head but also had a smart personality vibe to him. I looked at him squinting my eyes trying to remember his name. "It's RM," he said laughing while holding his heart as if he was hurt by my actions. I laughed in response and smiled brightly.

"If you like her say it to my face," Jungkook suddenly said. Oh so he was one of the jealous types. I mean I have no problem with jealous people because it felt good but I had a problem if they went over board with being jealous.

"Yah! Someone's jealous," RM said talking to the other members. I could see Jungkook make a fist and I knew I had to intervene. I walked over to him as fast as I could with my crutches and held his hand.

"What are you trying to prove? Enough, ok? These guys are your hyungs," I said still holding his hands. I looked to my right to see Jimin was looking at us and so I let go. He had more of a sad expression on his face than a angry one. I could see his fists gripped tightly and finally released as he walked away. "Jimin-ah," I said but he ignored. I understand for him to get angry and I wanted to give some space. They then all started with their rehearsals and danced like there was no tomorrow, except there was a tomorrow and that was my date with Jungkook. I sat on one of the seats in the stadium and watched their dancing, singing, rapping while being entertained. However, Jimin was all that was on my mind as I was thinking how I was going to break it to him. The last thing that I wanted to happened is for him to never to talk to me.

"Ok final song hyungs," J-hoped announced, "Director play 2! 3!" The song started playing and the second they started with their lines, I was moved. Jungkook then started singing and I felt my whole body leave my body and was immersed in his voice. I know that sounds weird but that's the best I can depict his voice in words. Then Jimin comes along with his angelic, pure, innocent voice which leaves me melting. I then closed my eyes to experience their singing in a whole different level. The song had finally ended leaving me in tears, because of how beautiful it sounded.

"Jimin-shi!" I called for him while getting on my crutched 'running' to him. He came to a halt waiting for me catch up to him and I was out of breath. He grabbed on to my hands helping me stay in balance. "I need to talk to you," I said looking at the floor with sad written on my face.

"Let's talk there," he said pointing to the ledge to sit. We both sat and my mind went blank and I didn't know what to say. I could feel him waiting for me to start talking and he helped me by first talking.

"Look Hee-young-ah...I know you don't and can't feel the same way, but I told you not for you to feel guilty but to be honest. And I know that I've fucked up in the past so I can't expect you to forgive me, I don't even expect you to even be friends with me right now but here you are," he said and then positioned my face to look at him, "You know I don't deserve someone like you, someone who never hurt me once, someone who supported me no matter what, someone who cares..." Tears started to form his eyes and as did mine. He continued, "...the fact that you're living, breathing, and by my side still...that's all I could ever ask for," and he started to hug me. Tears started to run down my face consistently. My face fell to his shoulders.

"Listen, I don't care if you hurt me a thousand times or if you find someone better to replace me...I will never leave your side, understand?" I said still crying, "You can never escape me, because you're part of my escape," I said smiling as I pulled out of the hug and touched both his cheeks. "Yah! Stop crying you look ugly," I said teasingly while laughing.

"Millions of people love this ugly face," he said jokingly while stroking hair. I messed it up before he could fix it to his liking. "I'm giving you 10 seconds to run...10...9...," he said counting down till he catches me and so I quickly got up in pain and hopped away from him. " I comeee," he said and before I knew it he caught up to me but I pushed him to the floor and he landed on his back groaning in pain.

"Oh my god. I didn't mean to. Are you alright?" I asked and started bending down and he pulled me down tricking me. I landed to the floor as well beside him. I looked at him smiling and said, "I missed the old days." He nodded. We stood there for quite a while catching up with everything that's been going on and before we knew it, it suddenly became night.


We walked out of the stage building and I saw Jungkook seated on the steps outside. He held a stick of smoke and I immediately knocked it out of his hands. I looked at him angrily and he smiled guiltily. "Yah! Do you want to kill yourself? Don't do this ever again!" I said yelling at him while I heard laughing in the background. I knew that it was Jimin who was laughing and so I turned around and said, "You think slowly killing yourself is funny?" Suddenly I heard laughing from Jungkook behind me.

"Don't worry Hee-young, you aren't the first person to get a speech like that," he said laughing. I then went over to him and playfully punching. He faked being hurt and we all laughed.

"Gaja!" I said grabbing both of their hands. I could sense the awkwardness around me and so I said, "Why don't you guys go on without me, I'll meet you back at the hotel." I knew if they wanted to fix any tension between them then they had to talk it out. "But if I see any of you drunk or injured," I said thinking of a punishment, "I'll—." I said then stopped by them.

"Arasso mom," they both said laughing together. This made me smile. The fact that they weren't fighting because of me made me feel at peace. It made me feel warm even though I was cold on the outside. I then walked with my crutches to one of the benches and rested thinking. It's been hours and I didn't even notice and it was completely dark to find my way back to the hotel so I just layed on the bench and decided to sleep there. I was freezing cold but this was my only option, all the stores were closed and the environment was very foggy, I didn't have a phone and there was no one to be seen for miles. I decided instead of sleeping there which might have made me go into hypothermia I decided to head back to the hotel. I grabbed my crutches and was walking slowly since the wind was very strong so I had to fight to get my balance. I then slid in the icy pavement and landed on my back. My whole body started to numb and I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't even feel the pain from my thigh and I started to lose my energy. I slowly closed my eyes. only escape.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now