Chapter 25 (Honest Truth): Police Station

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"My goodness!" One of the cops exclaimed. "What is this?"
"Where am I.... what are..." Lira looks around. Her eyes widen.
'Oh no-'
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! HE WILL BE MINE!!" She stands up and forms a fist. Instantly, one of the police officers runs up and grabs her, and pulls her away.
"Ma'am! Do not resort to violence!" He claims. His voice sounds shaky. Must be nervous.
There's just fighting. All to the point where we're taken to the police station....
At least in a separate car from Lira.
(Y/N)'s POV:

Lira sits up as the police stare in shock.

"You... there's no way!" One of the cops exclaimed. "this is fake!"

"You saw in right in front of your eyes!" Ava exclaims. "How could we have pulled it--"

Lira shoots up and tackles Ava, and places her hands on her throat, and I spring into action and try pulling her off.

"Ma'am! Stop right there!" A male officer exclaims and runs up to pull Lira off. Lira doesn't let go, resulting in the man tazing her.

As her limp body falls to the ground, one of the policemen walk up to me.

"May we take you all into questioning? Maybe clear things up?" he asks. I say yes, and the others tag along. The officer that tazed Lira handcuffs her and places her in one of the police cars. Me and the gang enter one of the cars as well, and we drive to the police station.

I sit anxiously with Kaito, Ava, and Luka by my sides. The policeman in front of us across the table gives a sharp, scary stare.
"You are going to explain to me all that is happening, right here, right now." The officer said.
" you see, um.... I-" I stutter.
"We don't even know for Pete's sake. This gals got wEird magic powers, that other girl tried to kill us all, and god almighty, we're in a police station!!" Ava cuts me off. The police man looks confused.
"Powers? You do know those don't exist, right?" He says.
"I-If you would like I could somehow explain it?" I squeak. He looks at me and nods.
"I-if I sing in a certain situation I guess, the melody heals in some way. I'm not sure how it works but....."

Kaito's POV:
(Y/n) explains the ability she has, and I move onto my own world. I feel droopy... but How would I explain to her that she's a discarded Vocaloid? Would she even believe it? I can't believe it myself.... and what would we do about Lira? What if she runs after us again? What if... (Y/n) gets killed? I can't afford that, normal Vocaloid don't have those special abilities to heal and all that pizazz. Just being able to sing really fast and change clothes in an instant would—
"Hey!! Blue boy, snap out of it!"
My attention is shot back to the officer.
"Answer my question! What happened before we came in?"
How much time had passed while I was in my own world?  "L-Lira had passed—"
Loud crashing came from outside the room, wih Lira's scream.
Me, Luka, Ava, and (Y/n) all stand up.
"What is—"
"Wake up! Is this really the place to sleep?!" A loud voice booms.
(Y/N)'s POV:
I-I think kaito was only wandering around in his mind or something but the police officer was instantly mad about him not answering his questions.
"If you've got something to hide, then it's no use hiding now!!"
Kaito looks distressed. "sorry sorry! What was the question??"
"What are your relations with this 'Lira'?" The officer asked, through clenched teeth.
"W-well, I knew Lira from (Y/n) I guess. She was her friend and uh... I guess was a big fan of me. When she found out I was hanging around with (Y/n), she got upset." Kaito responds.
"Interesting. Now, you're a member of this Vocaloid, correct?"
"Y-yes sir."
"Why is it that you're in someone else's house at this time? Shouldn't you be writing songs?"
"We we're trying to escape from Lira." Ava claims. "She went crazy, I swear. Something isn't right in her head. She threatened to kill us."
"She had stabbed me in the stomach," Luka says. "I tried to protect-"
"I don't see any stab wound, ma'am." The officer interrupts.
"I-I healed it with my ability." I reply for Luka.
"I know for sure you're pulling my leg. No one can simply sing to a wound and expect it to heal."
I'm not sure how to explain this. I can't make him believe me, how would I defend myself?
"S-sir, may I ask a question?" Kaito asks out of the blue.
"I'm supposed to be the one asking you the questions, pal." A cold reply from the cop.
Kaito ignores the statement. "I'm wondering, have you heard of a discarded Vocaloid, and what happens to them?"

Hello my Dragons! Thank you for reading this chapter!
I've lost literally allllllll inspiration for this story, and I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. I'm working on another story tho, and this time I'll post it once I have plenty of chapters done. It's not related to Vocaloid, though. It's about a theory of BNHA, and Aoyama being the traitor. (My sparkly boy ) I'll try to update as much as I can, and I don't think I'll make a Halloween special. We'll have to see. I really am sorry
(~-~ )
(Also, this chapter was short too. Iiiiim sorry bout that as well)
Anyways, See you in the next chapter!! BAH BYE!

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