Chapter 6: Lira Again... And Also, First Song!!

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Reader's POV:

The next day, I woke up NICE and early.

So I didn't really have  a bed to sleep on.... And Kaito offered to allow me to sleep in his bed, but to be honest,  I declined... Mostly because of Luka's face... 

She's scary.

Anyways, I technically slept with Kaito, just on the floor with two blankets, and a pillow.

The next day, I went out for a stroll since I was the first one awake. As I got up, I looked in the heavy-as-10-pound-weights bag I somehow brought with me here, and took out my (F/c) t-shirt with a cake-colored kitty on it, and jean shorts.

I walk out the awesome doors while checking my pockets to double check if I brought my wallet and phone. Luckily I have them both.

I drop my wallet while fiddling with my pocket in front of me (I'm out of ideas XD), and I reach down to grab it, meeting a hand, touching mine.

Blushing, I look up to see a -- I wanna say-- hot guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, tan, and he's blushing too.

We stare at each other for a bit, then start to fumble around a bit. I pick up my wallet, thank him fast, and he's scratching the back of his neck.

After an awkward moment, we scramble away.


It's later in the day, and I see a store called Evisu-Sapporo, and it looks pretty cool. So I want to pull out my wallet, when I see a familiar face.


She was looking through her purse, and she sees me. Her eyes start to widen. I'm sure I just have an angry expression. Her hand pulls away from the bag, and she takes a step towards me. I turn my head away.

"....(Y/n)?"  Lira asks. "You left.... I just wanna say sorry.."

"Yeahhhhh, to late, Lira. You could've said that earlier that time." I reply, sassy.

"I was stressed and I took medications or something for it, and I went crazy, ok? Ava is even scared of me. Where even did you sleep?" She walks up to me. "Don't tell me you stayed in a hotel."

"Nope. You won't guess where." I reply. I wonder if actually telling her will trigger her, but... I guess to stop worrying her... I don't know if either is  a good idea but hey -_-... I wanna tell someone who isn't a Vocaloid.

"Tell me, I'm not guessing, haha.." She trails off.

"The Vocaloids!!" I exclaim, not containing my excitement. I really needed to share that for once.

"....What...?" Lira asks, shocked. I sweat a bit.

"Welp-ee-do, I think it's time to go, BYE!" I exclaim and run off. I didn't look back.


I went back to the place I call home. As I opened the door, I see Rin and Len running around, playing tag. They spot me and they quickly say hi. As they run off, I see Gumi run up to me.

"Hey! Where were you?" Gumi asks.

"I only left for like, 30 minuets.." I reply.

"As if that isn't long, me and Kaito talk about you doing a cover of one of my songs! It's called Circles," she says, excited. "Let's go to the recording room!" and she pulls me over to the recording room.

"Woah! Hold on, I can't run that fast!" I exclaim, and she puts me into the room with the microphones, and there was those little music tables that hold sheet music, with a sheet of music and lyrics on it. The top said "Circles" on it.

....Once again,

I'm rushed to do a song.

(Play Song)

(End of Song)

"Wow!" Gumi exclaims. "Maybe she could do a concert!"

"Maybe!" Miku says-- wait, when did she get in here....?

"Wait, wait, wait," I say quickly. "A concert? Already? I just started this song!"

"Well, she has a point, Gumi. She isn't like us," Miku points out.

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"We're like computers. We prepare faster." Gumi says. "But you're awesome! We have a concert soon though, maybe we could add you into it!"

"When... exactly is the concert?" I ask.

"In a month!" Miku exclaims.

"...Ohhh boy." I say, and giggle. Miku and Gumi giggle too.

I can already tell that my schedule is gonna rise SO MUCH...


HELLO MY DRAGONS! THANK YOU FOR reading this chapter!

SO, this chapter was a bit of a scramble. I didn't know what to write, because I need (Y/n) to go to a concert to make it more like a Vocaloid. Btw, (Y/n) is being rushed on purpose. She-- WHOOPS! Almost gave out a spoiler....

║(O) ║♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
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Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max  



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