Chapter 24: Turned in

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Kaito looks at me. "(Y/n)... Care to explain?"

"Um... I..." I pause for a moment. "I don't really know what to say myself..."

"W-we don't need an explanation right now." Ava says, seemingly a little scared. "What we need to do now is get her to the police while we can. It's something we probably should've done in the first place." ((Yeah, no dip.))

"Won't they think that we did something to her?" Luka asks.

"Well, it's not as if we hit her in any way, we didn't strangle her, and we didn't drug her." I say. Then I think a little and put a hand to my chin...... "At least.... I think we didn't drug her..? But one way or another, we didn't harm her. She's only asleep, right? Knocked out?"

"Yeah, knocked out is the right word." Ava says, and carries her to the door. "lets get out of here."

We walk out of the dark, sad room and walk to a phone. Kaito was about to pick it up when I see something out the window.

"WOAH!" I exclaim. "Guys! Look outside the window!!"

Kaito, Ava and Luka peek outside as I pull the curtains to the side. There were policemen and woman, EVERYWHERE!

"they must be here for Lira..." Luka points out. "Now I feel like we will really be in trouble if we go outside--"

"If its to give this lunatic in, then so be it." Ava states. She walks to the door without hesitation and attempts to turn the doorknob.

"Ngyeh....Ng...NYeH," She attempts to reach it, but with Lira in her arms it's not very easy. "God dang it. Guys, a little help?"

Kaito snickers and turns the knob for her. Opening the door, the police instantly spring into action. They hold up guns and one holds up a taser.

Kaito and Ava stare outside, wide eyed. Me and Luka stay out of the doorway. Kaito, for some reason hilariously, Raises his hands slowly, and goes: "I swear the ice cream that went missing in the dollar store wasn't me."

I turn to Luka and mouth "What?..."

Luka smiles and replies, "He stole ice cream by accident about two months ago."

Oh my God. That's something to talk about when things are settled.

"...What?" One of the policemen ask. Ava snorts.

"I-I mean..." Kaito says, embarrassed. "If you're looking for the girl that had ran away, she's right here." and he gestures to Ava holding Lira.

"What happened to her?" one of the police officers say.

I pop out. "I-I'll explain when things get sorted out, what matters is that--"

"What matters is What happened to her." The officer repeats.

TWO ENDINGS TO THIS CHAPTER! The first ending I will call "Honest Truth." the second will be "Hidden Away." I will be working on Honest Truth first, then Hidden Away.

Honest Truth

I sigh. How will I even explain this?

"I-I don't know where to start, but I guess overall... She's out cold because of my singing?..." Ouch. I did not want it to come out like that.

"That's impossible, people getting knocked out from bad singing only happens in cartoons." The officer says.

Luka walks out and defends me. "We were all there, it's not from bad singing. It's... Supernatural."

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