Chapter 20: The Mysterious Room

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(Y/n)'s POV:

She opens her eyes slowly. "Erg...Guys?..."

"Luka! Oh my God!" Kaito instantly hugs her. I'm.... What....?...

"What... What happened?" I mutter.

"(Y/n)?.." Luka says my name. "Are you... Whats going on?..."

"You were... How..." I whisper, I look at my hands, in shock.

"W... (Y/n)!!"  Luka exclaims, and Kaito turns to look at me, and becomes shocked. everything in my left eye fades to a (F/c), as I begin to feel numb, and I fall.

Kaito's POV:

(Y/n) falls as her left eye glows a (F/c). Just what on earth is going on...?

"(Y/n)?!" Luka exclaims and drags herself over to her, still limp from the injury. I move over to (Y/n) too, and shake her a bit.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), wake up!!" I exclaim. She still breathing, but shes out cold.

"Kaito, explain whats going on?" Luka asks, her voice shaky. "I don't even remember what happened before I was down!"

"You... Don't?" I ask and look at her. She shakes her head. "Y'know what, that doesn't matter right now! What matters is that we need to find someplace safe, dang it, and help (Y/n)! Neither of us know whats going on right now, and all of us are in danger if we can't find anyplace!"

"I know a place"

Me and Luka shoot around to a strange but familiar voice. "Ava?"

"Follow me." She says. 

"Who the heck are you?" Luka asks, being cautious.

"Someone who can help us." I say to her. "She helped me and (Y/n) escape."

"...Fine." Luka grunts. "Where would we even go though, 'Ava?'"  

"I know a place in our house I found." Ava responds, and begins to explain.

~DRAMATIC ANIME FLASHBACK~ ..wooowowoowowoooo....*Flashback noises, idk I'm just kinda  typing here*

"I was walking around while (Y/n) was out, before she met you. Lira was busy unpacking. As I explored the house, I found a crack, and I hit it, only to rip the wallpaper, and reveal a door. It lead to a basement with a bunch of old books in some sort of language or something, definitely not Japanese. Luckily, Lira didn't hear the paper rip, and I closed the door, and did my best to hide all the ripped wallpaper. I never thought it would be used, but now we need it."

~E n d~

"Now, lets go." Ava says, and turns around. "Are you coming?"

"Y-yes!" I say with confidence, and Pick Luka up. I pick up (Y/n), too, in a bridal style.

Luka follows along and we run out the door.

~Time skip to The Mysterious Room~

"Here it is." Ava says, moves a bunch of Steven Universe posters, to reveal a door, clearly ripped from the wall.

"Woah..."  I murmur.

"Well?" Ava says. "Are you just going to stand there or go?"

"Er, right." I say, and walk down the stairs to a room. It's pitch black.

ava closes the door, and Luka follows me behind. "Ew, it reeks down here..."

"Yeah, it smells like you." I say to Luka. I can't see, but I can tell shes giving me a death glare.

A light flashes, and Ava is shown holding it. "I found a light."

"Yeah, I see that." I murmur. She just looks at me.

"Anyways, welcome to the room I was gonna use as a closet one day." She jokes.

"Y'think there's a lamp down here?" Luka asks.

"Maybe...." I start moving around, and Luka does the same.... Until a loud THUNK Is heard, along with some items nudging each other.

"AH JESUS MOTHER OF GOD!"  Luka exclaims and clutches her toe. "HOLY CHRIST THAT HURT MORE THAN IT SHOULD'VE--"

"Shut up!"  Ava hisses. Lua immediately quiets down. "You only stubbed your toe on a table, Drama queen."

I make a small "Ooooooh"  As Luka gives me a pitiful look of defeat. Another, bigger, light flickers on.

"I found a lamp." Ava claims. The light leads to a book with a blank cover. "This is the book I found."

I pick up the book and open it to the very first page, showing some writing. "This isn't gibberish..." I say.

"What?" Ava asks me. "It's definitely not any language I'VE seen."

"Because it's not a language anybody but..." I reply. "Luka... Look at this."

Luka comes by and looks. She puts her hand over her mouth.

"What? What?"  Ava asks.

"This is..."

"This is our long lost language...."


HELLO MY DRAGONS! AND thank you for reading this chapter!

So, I didn't add an Author Note to the other chapter, to make it slightly more dramatic. But meh, Now I feel bad XD.

So! Yes, I know, YAMAHA corp. doesn't have a certain language, but it's fanfiction, m'kay? Let it be what it wants to be, and yeah.

Anyways, you see why it was named Enchanting Vocals~? Yeh, it's there nao XD

Anyways, I'm gonna go beg my mom for some tea.



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