[Chapter 19] Trust Issues

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My Anime account: @ThatCrazyOtaku


"An...Endarian?" Lewis mumbled.

"What's an Endarian?" Simon whispered to Lewis.

"You mean like in that war Kira told us about? The one with the giant monsters that killed Enderborn's so they created The False to stop them?"

Hannah asked.

Lalna nodded.

"Good, you remembered"

"So...all this time" Hannah mumbled.

"Duncan wasn't actually a human. He was an Endarian"

"I'm sorry to tell you Hannah, but Kira did confront me, I had no choice. I was also waiting for this, when I met her, I knew it was only a matter of time before-"

"You lied to all of us!" Hannah screamed, interrupting Lalna. It was sudden, and made Lewis and Simon jump.

"You lied! You made up someone and made them be our friend! How dare you call yourself even remotely human!"

The spikes on Lalna's back twitched slightly and the middle white circle of his eyes widened slightly.

"Do you know why I lied?" He asked, very calmly.

"Because if I didn't, and if I escaped and didn't morph into a human..."

His voice suddenly got very loud, and very angry.

"They would've hunted me down and killed me! Not only that, they would have killed you! And anyone else on this server!"

Silence fell over everyone, as Lalna's rage settled.

"Speaking of hunting..." He muttered, then on his long, bent over legs, walked to the window and looked out. You could see Kira running, stumbling to get as far away as she can.

She ran into the factory and Lalna smiled, opening the window and climbing down the tower without another word, leaving everyone in the tower to take in what had just happened.

"Rythian!" Kira screeched.

Rythian turned and frowned.

"What is it?" He asked calmly.



"Run!" Kira screamed, then something appeared behind Rythian, making Kira skid to a stop. She scrambled up and ran the other way, into the forest, as Rythian turned to see Lalna.

"Hello Rythian" he grinned.

Rythian's Enderbane was in his hand a second later and he started backing away.

"No" Rythian mumbled to himself.

"Impossible. Endarian's are-"

"You thought you killed us all. But I escaped. I was an engineer, on a ship called Bulacos. Everyone except me went down that day, I stayed behind for repairs. When I saw the war that had broken out, I knew that you would have invented some weapon that killed us, so I fled to this planet, where I created someone you hate"

"Who?" Rythian asked, panic flashing in his eyes.

"Which one of these humans have you created? Which of these humans is a lie?"

"Duncan Jones" Lalna said, which made Rythian freeze.


"Lalna is my name. Duncan Jones was the name of the being I created"

Rythian moved the Enderbane so it was pointed at Lalna.

"What are you going to do now? Eat me? And Kira? Then what?"

"Rythian I've been tempted to eat you for years but I haven't. That's because I only eat False. I believe that Enderborn's should be free, just as you should, so as much as you don't trust me, we should be allies. You need my skills and knowledge" Lalna explained.

Rythian stood their, his Enderbane still pointed at him, but slowly, he put it away, his hand still tight on the handle.

"You know, that's the reason she wants to kill you? That sword. There are only two left in existent and she has one" Lalna said.

"Yeah" Rythian said, then smirked.

"But I have the other"

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